RED vs Sonic.EXE | Axpire VS Blogs


"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell." — Oscar Wilde

Commissioned DEATH BATTLE! introduction made by @yultehdoof

RED, the merciless conqueror from the Godzilla NES creepypasta.

SONIC.EXE, the interdimensional nightmare from the SONIC.EXE creepypasta.

These two popular video game creepypastas have been at the top ever since 2011 (reasons may vary), spreading fear in the form of text to thousands of people around the world. They are cruel, evil, and powerful, but… how much exactly? Would the entity from the void prove to us that his divine status is indeed true, or would the red tyrant keep his title as a king? We are going to take a deep dive into one of creepypastas more infamous rivalries, and finally put an end to this debate on a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Begin

For RED, we are using the creepypastas, NGC and Godzilla Replay, as well as statements from the creator Cosbydaf. Colossal Kaiju Combat! will also be talked about in this blog. Due to its confusing applicability, many people wonder if it is fine to use or not, but will be included on RED’s analysis throughout the blog. However, the real question of if it's applicable or not will be elaborated in Before the Verdict. The Clayfight Collab has yet to have any details aside from RED being there, so it has no big information for this.

Due to the mess that SONIC.EXE is, we considered fair game to composite both canons, old and new, from Sir JC the Hyena and JoeDoughBoi. This likely wouldn’t affect X either way, as the new canon is basically the same as the 2011 creepypasta version,  but with… less cringe. So, we’ll be looking over the original creepypastas, Sonic.exe and Sonic.exe: Round 2, the Sonic.exe game and Sally.exe game, the official biographies from JC, the interview with JC, SONIC 2011, and statements from both JC and JoeDoughBoi about the character. Other stuff like the 2017 remake, Xenophanes, and other fan versions of the creepypasta will not be included in this blog. As for Lord X, it’s a complicated case, but Lord X and SONIC.EXE are actually the same character. Not only that’s implied in the Soulless Sonic series of games but JoeDoughBoi himself has said numerous times that Lord X is the original X. So, we’re gonna also look through both the remake and the original SONIC PC Port versions (the original is canon to the remake), statements from Joe, as well as the canonical and official Cult of X wiki. More about that will be explained in the Before the Verdict section.

Also, hi. Trashy speaking. It is with great displeasure we announce that we are scrapping Brody Foxx vs Muscle Man due to many issues inside the blog working space. Thank you for your time, and please join us for our next two blogs below.



You are weak.

Your monsters are weak.

You will all die.

  • Real name: RED;

  • Height and weight: 105 meters and 66,000 metric tons;

  • Favorite food: Subway sandwich and kaijus;

  • Somehow has siblings;

  • His real form is John Madden…

Long ago in a place unknown, an evil entity known as RED came to be. This being turned into a tyrant, a conqueror across all galaxies, seeking power and destruction, but he was not alone in this, with the help of his demonic brother Solomon, both bringed chaos and despair trough cosmos… that was until, Solomon got tired of RED, his way of acting made Solomon mad, since RED only attacked monsters way weaker than him, taking profit of the weak, this led to a fight between the demonic brothers, their clash so strong they reached space time itself! Their essence spread through the space-time continuum, making them be everywhere and every-when. Time goes on, and we eventually hear of RED again, now in a plane of existence above reality. What happened in this time span or how did he get there it's unknown, we just know he did and he can. RED was looking for a puppet, something to control to have influence in our reality, but that would be impossible isn't it?... Here is where Melissa comes to the story. Melissa and Zachary used to have a relationship, both started dating in middle school and ever since they loved each other, even if Melissa was not just a normal human. She, unlike any other human, had psychic abilities. Mind powers that she was still not an expert in using. This could look like a dream come true for some, but really, it ended up being her demise. Due to her strong powers, RED, while in another plane of existence, could feel her power, linking their minds, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to finally gain a puppet, so, he started breaking Melissa’s mind apart, making her look crazy for everyone due to what was described as “episodes” where she would go fully emotionless, not moving a muscle, when really, she was constantly fighting RED’s influence. While tough, her luck would not go that far, since one night, after one of her episodes, while she was watching the stars with Zach, she stood up and walked to the traffic, killing herself.

After Melissa’s death, some time passed by, Zachary bought a NES and felt like reliving childhood memories, He asked his friend Billy to get some games, which got various cartridges, like The Legend of Zelda, Bomberman, “Some stupid thing called action 52”, and finally, Godzilla: Monster of Monsters. Due to nostalgia he decided to play the latter after Billy left, i mean, it's just an NES game, what's the worst thing that could happen? A glitch? Well… Zachary started to notice strange stuff in the game, things like glitches and monsters that were not part of the game, at first it all seemed just like a fan expansion, just a modified ROM in a cartridge… or well, that's what he thought until meeting him, the evil entity roaming this game, RED. The game turned into torture, a challenging and painful journey through the planets of the game. It’s worth mentioning that in the process of beating the game, he actually unlocked Solomon, who will help him on his journey. At last, he reached Zenith, the final world, a hellish planet full of meat and corpses, ever burning fires, and demons as far as the eye could see, but there was also someone else. In a graveyard level, he found a blue humanoid resembling a woman that was described as an angel, it didn't communicate, but suddenly, RED appeared, his presence alone making the whole place to break into flames and chaos, his sudden appearance didn't gave Zach enough time to run, but to his luck, the blue angel stood in the middle, receiving the pain to buy Zach some time, causing her to be eaten by RED. He didn't know this but that girl was Melissa, this was revealed later on. 

In the end, Zach finally reached the last fight, he unlocked a new monster he did not have access to, but even still, he went to fight RED, to finally end all once and for all. The fight was hard, nearly all of his monsters died, but Solomon, after RED called him a traitor, managed to finish him off… or so he thought, as RED rose up again, regenerating itself and taking a new form, which would be way stronger than before. He killed all of Zach’s monsters, including Solomon, and then tried to kill Zach, stopping his heart, which would have worked if Melissa’s soul didn't get in the way once again, revealing him who she was and that she loved him, unlocking the final monster of the game, Acacius, an angel. In this final fight both were par to par, both at the same life most of the time, it looked like anyone could win this, but in the end, with one last strike, Zach drained what remained of the health bar, killing RED, who exploded in light to then crumble away, and finally, Melissa’s soul, after reviving everyone who died in the fight, finally could rest in peace, as well as any of the victims of RED, ending the story of Zach, the human who defeated the tyrant… But it's not over yet. Zach’s story may have come to an end, but RED was far from done. With what remained of him, a new body was made, weaker than before due to being just a fraction of what he was, and thus, Shadow Of Red came to be. This version of himself, after being made, was dragged away from his universe by the Kaijujin, monsters with godly powers who live for the thrill of the fight, to fight in a tournament where more monsters like him fought for eternity in order to find the new champion.

This is the last we know of RED, but if something is clear, is that no matter how fast you run, no matter how hard you fight, no matter what you do, even in presumed death, RED’s essence of pure evil will keep echoing in eternity, bringing death and despair to those he see inferior, showing them, who the king of the monsters really is.




  • Real name: Unknown;

  • Height and weight: Varies;

  • Favorite food: Meatball Marinara with pickles and human souls;

  • Enjoys playing the piano but sucks at making computer games;

  • Is canonically non-binary (based).

Between dimensions there exists a gap, full of nothingness, devoid of time and space; this was the void. In mid-2011, a creature was born, but the way it was is unknown. Some versions say it was from within a cataclysm brought on by multiple forms of primordial energy accidentally ramming into each other all at once after said energy was trying to assemble itself in a creative manner, creating sentient mass of Dark Matter, a creature purely made of primordial energy. Other versions say he was born out of pure dark matter. That living matter didn’t have a name, but is known as X (get it cuz it’s like an abbreviation of SONIC.EXE-). Floating around that dark space being nothing but a black blob with two red dots, X discovered our planet, Earth, through a mysterious dimensional window. From there, he learned all about humanity: their cultures, their behavior, their interests, and especially a certain game with a blue hedgehog that ran faster than the speed of sound. X was utterly fascinated with Sonic the Hedgehog, so much that he created a body to harness all of his energy in the image of the blue blur; a body that would be remembered by everyone. His eyes began to feel enormous pain, and started bleeding, but he didn’t feel anything; instead, he laughed. His very first laugh echoed through the entire void, to mark the birth of an entity that would soon become the all-powerful (and evil) SONIC.EXE.

X decided that our planet (specifically, all of humankind) was fated to be under his control; that the world needed a ruler until the very end of time, where they would all live in harmony with him as their king (at least in his view). They needed a GOD. That’s how he discovered one little trick that could accomplish all of his plans: he discovered that he had the ability to warp reality at his will. Not taking any time to waste, with his recently discovered power, he already created his own dimensional world in a few hours, with the layout being several “rooms” based on locations of the Sonic series… but with a little bit of weird alterations made by himself. Creating the basis of his world, X began to be more egomaniacal, prioritizing his creativity above anything else. He was really excited about this “taking over humanity” plan; he wanted to show everyone how amazing his creation was, but, one small issue came by… X discovered that he couldn’t access our world due to not truly existing in our universe. With that hurdle in his way, X began to use his powers through the human world to find a way to make himself capable of interacting with our reality, and found a suitable alternative in the form of an unknown programmer, so skilled that they were compared to be as skilled as U.S. government levels. X “influenced” this programmer to create a disk that would serve as a method to temporarily enter the human world on his own, with the final tool he needed to make it being a piece of X’s own essence, so he could have control over the system of the game within. So, X sent a piece of his dark power, which fell to Earth similarly to a meteorite, making an explosion that resulted in the creation of the disk, but the programmer was nowhere to be found, and thus presumed dead. The disk was then passed down from person to person, making more and more toys for this demonic entity to play with; mutilating their body parts and taking away their souls.

BUT, this is where we divide some parts of SONIC.EXE’s story between old and new canon. While the origins are pretty much the same with some alterations here and there, the follow-ups are a little more different. Starting with JC’s old canon, I think everyone knows this (badly written) classic: we begin with a young boy named Tom, who was playing Sonic Unleashed at home when suddenly, a game disk with a letter from his friend Kyle came to his house. The disk had “SONIC.EXE” written on it, and Kyle’s letter said that he was dead, and he trusted Tom to destroy the disk to get rid of the demon responsible for killing him. But Tom, as a professional (AKA STUPID) gamer, didn’t care for his friend’s warning, and proceeded to play it anyway. Throughout the presumed hacked copy of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game, he’s seen horrors beyond what you would expect from this game. The beloved blue speedster killing each one of his friends, and even Dr. Robotnik, as well as constantly talking with Tom himself and playing with the game’s world terrorized the boy, but as the final part is revealed; a gruesome image of a realistic Sonic with black eyes and red pupils as well as a scary smile with the words “I AM GOD” appearing in the screen, Tom made an attempt to remove the disk to save himself, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. It was too late. In the second part of the story, we follow the diary of a detective named Derek Green, and his investigation to find out about the demonic entity that was murdering many civilians. He found out about a lot of things, like the Cult of X, the secret about the disk, and many more, thanks to an ex-member of the Cult named Cole (MacGrath???), that helped him in his journey to kill this monster. Unfortunately for the detective, he lost his sister, he lost Cole, and eventually, he died as well. No matter what, they believe that in some way, it will come the day that X will be defeated, because otherwise, humankind is doomed.

In the new canon, we do not know too much yet, since we just got one game that covers the original story but without characters like Tom, so we've got to wait. You better watch out, because the next soul he may consume could be yours. If this creature cannot be truly stopped, he might as well indeed become the god he so much says so.

Kefka laugh

Oh wait this isn't his laugh anymore

New laugh

Experience and Skill


As a tyrant, RED is no stranger to fighting. Even if he only picks on the weaker monsters to fill his ego, he’s still shown to be really good at combat when faced against actually strong kaijus. For example, he fought against Solomon (twice), Godzilla, Mothra, Baragon, and even Acacius, a divine entity, and he defeated nearly everyone mentioned except Acacius, a fight which he would have won if he wasn't harmed from prior fights.

He's also part of the Colossal Kaiju Combat tournament, in which different monsters fight for glory. There are monsters like Shadow Heart, a bounty hunter, Dragon Lotus, a martial artist kaiju, mad scientists, spiritual guardians, science experiments, and even a giant chicken who was formerly a huge champion in his own world, making RED a really skilled fighter.


While SONIC.EXE lacks combat experience, as he’s never truly ever fought someone on his likes before, that doesn’t make him dumb. In fact, it's the exact opposite, X is a very intelligent and manipulative creature. He’s been able to do things like manipulating an entire cult to worship him as a god, carry a series of murders in Round 2 without anyone finding he’s responsible for it until the Cult itself reveals it to Derek, a professional detective, and even created a disc that connects his reality with our real world by manipulating a programmer’s mind. Said programmer had a skill comparable to the U.S. government. He’s also very creative with the use of his powers, being practically a master of his reality warping, constantly improving it with the experience he gains, which is why in PC Port the artstyle resembles more the first Sonic the Hedgehog game. Additionally, X was able to gain information about René such as his place of birth, his full name and other personal information about him easily.



Kaijujin Powerups

The kaijujin are entities that represent everything that a kaiju is, they live for the strive of battle, seeing kaijus fight each other relentlessly until one emerges victorious. To make things interesting, they let the kaijus harness a powerup based on what each of the kaijujin represent. These powerups are:

  • Grah: Grah's Strength powerup increases a kaiju's strength, weight and defense, but reduces mobility.

  • Maro: Maro's Fury powerup increases a kaiju's attack speed & damage.

  • Valtar: Valtar's momentum powerup increases a kaiju's movement speed, especially while charging.

  • Sundera: Sundera's Energy powerup increases a kaiju's energy gain & weapon damage.


Through the hourglass item, RED can go backwards and forwards in time. This is shown thanks to Zach explaining how he fought normal, dinosaur-like, or futuristic enemies depending on the items he grabbed. It also affects the flow of time depending which one was grabbed:

  • The blue one slow downs time

  • The red one speeds up time

  • The green one sets everything back to normal


The CD

The CD is where SONIC.EXE’s world is held, or well, connected to be exact. While yes, X himself can't grab it due to being in real life, the Cult of X has access to several of these discs. With the CD, X can come to the real world for a short span of time before being sucked back into the game. He used this in the second creepypasta, Round 2, to kill Derek Green after he was taken hostage by the cult. If the CD is destroyed, it's presumed that the connection between real life and X’s world will break, putting an end to his evil acts against humanity. The thing is there are multiple CD’s, and only destroying the real one would work, which is in the Cult’s possession.

Portal Rings

As seen in the second creepypasta game SALLY.EXE, X is shown luring Amy into a giant ring. This ring teleported Amy straight into the special zone, so it's safe to assume it can open portals to other dimensions, as the special zone is one too.

Anti-Gravity Boots

This might be a shock to some of you, but SONIC.EXE originally… could not fly, at all, actually, to do so he used anti gravity boots made for him. Though, they are not canon anymore, since now X can just fly normally.


He plays piano! He likes piano.

Drip Suit

I-I-I be poppin' bottles

Sparkles and champagne

VIP my section, Royalty looking sexy

You know that be my bae



Bodily Weaponry

As shown in many cases, RED’s biggest weapon is mostly himself, since his own body can act as one, from having really sharp claws, use his tail to attack and even shoot out his intestines with a claw at the end! Gross, but effective!


He can live without eating or drinking, though he does enjoy eating kaijus lol.

Fire Manipulation

One of the most well known abilities from RED. He can easily create fire, via his flame claw attack and his flame breath. 

Reality Warping

RED has shown to be able to warp reality to his desire. For a few examples, he once put his face on the moon, his mere presence can cause a normal landscape to burst into chaos, and he even summoned a black hole once.


RED can cause paralysis, the most known case being Zach, who he paralyzed so he could not move his entire body except his thumbs. It's also implied that he can paralyze other parts of the body, due to him being able to fully stop Zach’s heart from beating.

Pain Manipulation

RED can apparently cause the player to feel pain every time the monster is harmed, whether this is due to some connection between the monster and the player or because RED can just casually do that is unknown, but it's probably the second.


It's implied that he revived the deceased bodies that jumped Baragon in the river, he can also revive the “Not” monsters after their defeat, which makes them explode.

Life Creation

He created all of the KILL Zone monsters, all being a mess of different parts of monsters from the game. 


As stated above, RED can mix the parts of various kaijus to create new entities, who can fuse between them to create the Hybrid. He also did this to the “Not” monsters, creating the boss known as the Chimera.

Size Manipulation

Aside from, well, growing in his final form, RED showed to be able to directly control the size of different monsters without any type of resistance, for example, making Moguera taller than he should be.

Darkness Manipulation

RED can alter the lighting in a room, making them go fully black, nothing much. He can also make himself invisible in the shadows, merging with the background.

Time Stop Negation 

When Zach tried to pause the game, RED rapidly unpaused it, since he's inside of the game, we can assume that the pause works as a time stop for the entities inside of it, so, RED unpausing it should mean he can just negate time stops.


Depending on where the fight is happening, RED can adapt himself to the situation to always have an edge above the rival, for example with his flying form and his aquatic forms.

Soul Manipulation/Non-Physical interaction

After making Melissa kill herself, RED captured her soul inside of the cartridge, torturing her. He has so many souls of him that he weaponizes them in the form of his powerful fire breath, though it harms him a little bit.

Technology Manipulation

He's in control of the cartridge, manipulating it to his will, even glitching it sometimes. His control on it it's so good that the game can have graphics that would be impossible for an NES to have.

He also took control of Zach's PC so it would constantly take screenshots of his fight.

 Mind Manipulation

One of, if not THE, most iconic ability RED has, he can break the mind of any mortal or monster. He can telepathically speak, control someone's actions with his mind, and manipulate their minds to be their servants. That's how he killed Melissa for example, commanding her to kill herself.


Aside from the already mentioned ability to create life, RED has created more things, like water mines to stop Anguirus, the KILL levels, and Zenith himself.


As shown by him switching some original monsters by the “Not” variants, RED can easily summon anyone into battle, although he doesn't do this too much due to his ego. The number of summons RED has is massive, but it's gonna be explained in the support section in more detail.


In the RUN chase, RED can teleport himself to any part of the level to try and fool the player into running directly into him.


Aside from just teleporting himself, RED can also teleport other monsters, like all the playable monsters during his final form, teleporting them into a blazing inferno.


After his life bar is dropped to 0, RED can reconstruct his body, regenerating from any type of damage. Whether he can do this normally or only at the verge of death is unknown.


Due to his fight with Solomon, RED’s essence spread all across time and space, leaving shadows of himself around all periods of time.

Data Manipulation

He can freely control the data of the cartridge, and even corrupt the files/entities from the game. Some examples of this are creating new worlds replacing some of the original game, talking via text on the screen, manipulating Gezora’s and Moguera’s data so hard that they disappear in thin air into glitchy particles, and corrupting FACE, killing him.

Glitch Resistance

Funny enough, the main playable cast can tank attacks from “The Void”, an entity that attacks with glitched projectiles, which if they hit the player it will glitch the UI, but not the monster, meaning they can resist it. RED should upscale all of them so he should also be able to resist glitch based attacks.

Stun Resistance

In the game, Titanosaurus has an ability that sends shockwaves through his scream that stuns the enemy, not letting them move at all. RED is unaffected by this.

4th Wall Awareness

This one doesn't need that much explanation. RED constantly talks to Zach, and even looked straight to him when he was first insulted.

Dimensional Awareness/Dimensional Travel

RED has been stated to have existed in another plane of existence. He can apparently get out of it since we see him in the cartridge during the creepypasta, how he got there is unknown, but we do know that, well, he did it. This also shows how RED is aware of other planes of existence, and affects other people while being in whole other planes of existence.


RED was able to restrict and seal Acacius away so Zach could not use him no matter what he tried, Acacius was only set free thanks to outside help from Melissa, because if she didn't help then Zach would have instantly died.

Energy Absorption

Cosbydaf stated that if RED would have won against Acacius, he would have absorbed Acacius powers, meaning that he can probably do that with other monsters too, this explains why he always tries to eat the enemy.

Death Touch

The infamous RUN screen has him outright one-shotting Godzilla, ignoring the rules of the battle system, an ability acknowledged by both RED and Zach.


Body Control/Natural Weaponry

X, due to not really having a physical form, uses his vessel to shape its body to numerous things such as claws, sharp teeth, spin his neck around, open his jaw unnaturally wide, make hands crawl out of his throat and stretch his limbs, change his color palette, bisect himself in half vertically, remove his skin like a suit… and many others. He can also do things like spin-dash and spin attack, natural to Sonic characters.



Due to his many forms, it's not that crazy to see that he can shapeshift, even more since he has a faker form in which he disguises as the normal Sonic, only to then shapeshift back into his normal look.

Dark Matter Physiology (Immortality and Regeneration)

SONIC.EXE lacks organs, mind, and soul; he's just sentient dark matter. X’s true form is located inside the Void, and he uses vessels to do the job of having a physical body. His vessel only serves as a physical body. SONIC.EXE can not die by any normal means, and it's proven by many things, such as a statement that he would play with his slaves for all eternity, surviving bisections without difficulty, and simply making new bodies if his body is destroyed/decayed. X is essentially incorporeal, made out of pure energy, a non-existent being that made himself from dark matter, and gaining consciousness by himself. That technically makes X a creature that made himself into reality, capable of reforming even his true form from pure energy/dark matter.


X was noted to be a self-sustaining entity that doesn’t need to eat, but he enjoys it anyways. He likes exotic foods AND your soul!

Teleportation & Illusion Creation

One of his favorite abilities. X is able to freely teleport around, as in fact, he does it a lot of times to scare or stop his victims. He can also create several “flashes of him” throughout the screen, some sort of illusions like we see in the GIF above.


Yup, he can surely fly. At least he doesn't need gravity boots anymore!

Reality Warping

X’s ace in the hole, and by far his most iconic power. X can manipulate reality itself, shaping it into anything he pleases. He can do several things with this ability:

And the list continues on and on. We have never seen a limit for this ability outside of his capability of not being fully capable of interacting with our world. However, it is noted throughout the story that he would absolutely be capable of causing enormous damage to us if he was free.

Soul Manipulation

Also one of X’s signature techniques. He stole and collected the souls of a lot of people, dragging them into his world, in where he can torture them forever. It's implied that he can directly snatch it from someone's body without needing to kill, leaving the victim's body as an empty vessel.

Fire Manipulation

X is the one that engulfed Hide and Seek in flames, meaning he can just casually make huge fires appear out of nowhere. He also dissipated flames.

Social Influence

As said before, he’s a genius at manipulation. His assassinations have allowed him to influence people in such a way that he has gained his own cult with subjects who are loyal to him and believe in him, and convinced that entire cult that he was helping the world.

Mind Manipulation

As if being a tricky manipulator wasn’t enough, SONIC.EXE can control the minds of those who have evil in their hearts, or just warp minds in general, most commonly on his slaves.

Dream Manipulation

X can freely enter the dreams of any person sleeping, turning them into a nightmare. That was what he did to Tom, making him have a nightmare about him, creating illusions of past tortured souls.

Darkness Manipulation

X can make everything turn pitch black around him. Not only to scare his victims, but to make them blind of what’s around them.

Fusionism & Empathic Manipulation

X created the 7 Guardians, entities made by a fusion of X’s powers and human emotions, fusing them to make them come to life. He should realistically be capable of also controlling emotions, as he created the guardians to do that in his place instead.

Avatar Creation


Aside from creating his own body, X has made bodies for the souls he tortures, turning them into Sonic characters, like Alan, who he turned into Tails, Dave, who he turned into Knuckles, and Paul, who he turned into Doctor Robotnik.

Sound Manipulation

He can make really loud screeches/noises that come from the PC, so loud that it could even harm Tom’s ears. He can also send loud shrieks through computer speakers.

Technology Manipulation, Data Manipulation and 4th Wall Awareness

Scaring and stealing souls is cool, but now he can hack and mess with your computer! SONIC.EXE can leave messages on your desktop, actively manipulate windows, and “destroy” your computer’s screen, leaving the mark as impossible to remove unless you reset your computer. He even directly talks with players, as shown throughout many, MANY times in the creepypastas and games. Be careful, he will know your IP address, and will catch you If you're not careful~!

Madness and Fear Manipulation

X can cause fear and paranoia in people like Tom, who got more paranoid as he saw him more and more, and Alan, walking away without the player touching anything.

Biological Manipulation

Aside from controlling his own body, X has been shown to be able to alter the body of (at least) his slaves, for example, how he controlled “Shadow” to look like the twisted reflection on the mirror.

Organic Manipulation

Joe says that Lord X likes distorting organic materials to create art as a hobby. It's a weird one, but we're mentioning it.

Life Manipulation

He can give life to statues to chase and attack his victims.


X has reanimated dead animals, turning them into zombies to attack victims.

Power Bestowal

He made vessels for his victims resembling the Sonic characters, he gave them the abilities said characters have, like their superhuman strength, meaning he can give people powers if he feels like to. He also gave powers to his 7 Guardians to control human emotions.

Black Hole

His most gruesome ability. Once SONIC.EXE gets bored of a soul, he opens his mouth, and creates a black hole inside of him that will suck the soul out of bodies. Once he consumes the soul, it gets shrunk into a singularity and erased from existence. They are forever gone, as if they never existed.

Limited Dimensional Travel

With the SONIC.EXE disk, X can create an interdimensional portal through a monitor screen to gain access to our world, though for a limited time.


Fear Manipulation: Cannot feel fear.

Mind Manipulation and Social Influencing: He can’t be manipulated due to being unbound by the human psyche. As he’s just sentient dark matter, he doesn’t have a mind either.

Soul Manipulation: He’s essentially just dark matter energy, he doesn’t have a soul. He’s not called Soulless Sonic without a reason!



Aquatic Form

When needed, he can adapt his body to transform into a fish-like creature. In this form, he gains way more agility in water, swimming through it without any complications, he can also spawn water mines to stop the victim he's chasing.

Flying Form

This form is also a part of his adaptability, letting RED grow wings from his back to fly through the sky when needed. When he's like this he can actually go on par with flying enemies with more experience in, well, flying, like Mothra.

He does not win any special attacks from this form, but let's be real, a huge ass demonic kaiju with wings sounds pretty badass.

Final Form

After his life bar was dropped to 0, RED, rapidly regenerated of his wounds and took a new form. This form was taller, more durable, stronger, better in any conceivable way than before, being a direct multiplier (x10, as it states his power tenfolds) of his base form showcased by his life bar expanding. This was his final form.

When entering this state, RED fully heals of any mortal damage done to him prior the transformation, and he maintains any ability stated before, and even if we didn't see it, it wouldn't be a surprise if he could mix his aquatic form or flying form with this one, as his adaptability is part of his hax.

His strength in this form grew so much that it was needed a divine being to stop him, Acacius, who would have not defeated RED if he wasn't damaged from before.


Faker Form

To mess with victims, X uses his shapeshifting abilities to turn completely into Sonic the Hedgehog’s appearance, so he can manipulate innocents pretending to be the fast hero, only so he can rip their organs or fetch their souls.


Be careful! This is not actually SONIC.EXE, instead, it’s an illusion created off his own image to confuse, scare or play with foes; an ethereal projection. This glitchy holographic clone was shown toying around with Dave, confusing and tiring him.

Plushie Form

If SONIC.EXE manages to take control over your computer, a mysterious Sonic plushie will emerge, generally on beds, next to the respective hacked device. This plushie works as some sort of camera, allowing X to observe victims from the real world and eventually letting him attack and collect their souls.


According to the old canon, this is SONIC.EXE’s ultimate state, and according to JC: “what he really looks like”, and his “most powerful” form. It's where he manipulates reality to his will and creates dimensions of what he desires. True Form X also is granted a new dark pixelated aura that distorts reality passively 13 inches (zamn) near him.

In the new canon, this form doesn't exist anymore, and SONIC.EXE doesn't really need his true form to use his reality warping abilities. However, we do not know if the aura is something he does possess, so we're keeping this form here for the sake of it. (The design is so cringe btw)

Lord X

The eldritch appearance that he takes on the Soulless Sonic continuity. It is not a notable form, but rather a change in appearance, opting to go for a carbon based vessel. That’s why some parts of his body look rather decayed, like his shoes. It’s too iconic to be left out, but it does not change that much aside from appearance and composition of the vessel.

Lord X’s forms

Lord X has different forms that were not shown within the original events of SONIC.EXE, only on PC Port. Although they don’t offer him new powers, they do give him new scary looks! His decayed form, for example, is the result of the decomposition of his carbon vessel, although he just makes a new body. The Internal form is a very tall form with pitch black eyes, his entire body in black and purple highlights. And lastly, the Void form, making him split in half with large purple arms and creepy red eyes.

Other misc. forms

Purple spirit form

Lord X splits in two halves, between which a purple spirit shows. This spirit has 2 glowing red eyes with black sclera and purple teeth, being purple itself. Although, it’s most likely not his actual spirit (as he doesn’t have a soul), and merely just a visual thing.

Satanic form

In this form, Lord X has goat/satanic feet and twisted ears, satanic gestures and a pentagram on head.

Anti-Piracy form

It’s a form shown on the "Anti-piracy" screen. It resembles X but colored in shades of blue.

Dark Matter

A pure, powerful and shapeless non-existent mass of dark matter with red dots: this is what X really looks like. His TRUE look. This form is extremely powerful, however, at one cost: physically, he's very weak. To the point where he becomes a wild animal in a way that he will do anything just to protect himself, not hesitating to harm anything that tries to damage him. By being pure dark matter, he can do things like fly and phase through solid objects, and whoever dares to touch this black mass will be severely damaged, or would simply die. In fact, Joe has actually explained that X’s dark matter works similarly to his black hole, meaning that touching Dark Matter would result in having your existence erased.



NES Godzilla Monster Summons

As explained before, we are going to list every monster that RED can summon.

  • Baragon: He attacks with his horn, is aware of the 4th wall, and has a flame ray that comes out of his mouth.

  • Battra: Starts as his caterpillar form, being only able to charge at the enemy and firing a lightning beam from his horn. Once in his final form, Battra can fly and shoot a powerful orange beam from his eyes.

  • Biollante: Has two forms. In the first one, she can spit acid and bite, both using her tentacles. In herfinal fork, she can now move, the prior attacks are way stronger, from her heart vomit a stream of acid that poisons the enemy for some seconds, and summon vines from the ground.

  • Canidont: It can fly, bite, noclip through anything, and go faster as his life gets low.

  • Destroyah: He can attack physically in close combat, fly, use the Micro-Oxygen beam and a core attack that he didn't get to use due to Godzilla interrupting it. He is constantly evolving as he is defeated until reaching his perfect form.

  • Dogora: It can fire electric beams from its tendrils, if it bleeds its blood becomes a projectile, and if killed it will split into several special blue Dagora cells, who swarm the opponent and leach their heart.

  • Gezora: He can jump and attack with his tentacles, and also is capable of regenerating.

  • Glitchy Gezora: Same stuff as above, but he can now spawn glitched circle attacks that fly through the screen, and in contact, they glitch the game and also harm.

  • Gigan: He can slash with his hook arms, kick, fire a laser from his visor, and use the buzzsaw in his stomach.

  • Gothen: A giant space battleship with a turret over the drill that can fire a blue laser, turrets in front of the bridge that fire off small projectiles, a cannon on its side that constantly fires off three large projectiles at once, and can spawn unkillable enemies.

  • Hedorah: It can attack physically, throw sludge bombs that drain energy, shift into a flying form, fire a hedrium ray from its eyes, and while flying throw sludge bombs that instead of energy take health, the bombs stick to the player and the floor. If Hedorab walks on them it will absorb it and gain health.

  • Hybrid: It is unknown what attacks the Hybrid has, but in a screenshot, it is shown using its arms, which suggests it might be a melee-based boss. These arms end in Gigan's body, likely doing comparable damage to his saw attacks, as Zach said they 'drained' health on contact. It also was described as regenerating any damage done to it unless it was hit in the head specifically.

  • King Ghidorah: King Ghidorah can bite, kick, and use the Gravity Beam from its 3 heads, usually spamming it. If King Ghidorah is defeated, it will turn instantly into mecha King Ghidorah, retaining all of the previous things plus fire a pair of hooks that grab onto the player and electrocute them.

  • Kumonga: It can bite and fire webbings to trap the player in place.

  • Maguma: It attacks charging forward and can use an ice beam that seems more like a laser rather than a single projectile.

  • Firebrand: It can slash with its arm, having a long range due to its size, and also breathe large streams of fire.

  • Manda: It can bite, spit fireballs that go up and down constantly, and can wrap around the player, draining its health.

  • Matango Hive: It can spawn Matangos that attack the player, and when it's harmed enough, it will stop spawning them, instead attacking with a wave of spiraling projectiles, the smaller ones just harm you while the bigger ones can destroy the player’s attacks.

  • Orange Matango Hive:  The same as above, but instead of the spiraling projectiles, it drops acid on the player.

  • Mecha-Godzilla: It can punch, kick, fire rainbow colored lasers through its eyes, and fire rockets from its hands. It can use both abilities at the same time.

  • Megalon: It can rush with his drill, fire a lightning blast from its horn, and spit out “grenades” that constantly bounce forward until leaving the screen.

  • Moguera: It can fire a stream of singular projectiles from its drill-shaped nose after charging it for a short time. RED has been shown to be able to make Moguera taller.

  • Orga: It can punch, fire a laser from its shoulder cavity, and it tries to swallow Godzilla, regenerating in the process, but gets killed lol

  • Space Godzilla: It can punch (it's getting repetitive), produce two flying crystals that fall and become larger ones on the ground, the crystals can absorb any form of projectile and regen themselves, physical attacks being needed to actually destroy them, Space Godzilla can drain their energy to fill its own, and finally it can fire its corona beam.

  • The Giant: Nothing lol its a giant it can punch and throw rocks

  • Titanosaurus: Titanosaurus can fire a red/blue projectile through its horn and also emit an energy infused roar that expels shockwaves, said shockwaves can stun the enemy, restricting them from any movement for a period of time.

  • Xilien Mothership: The Mothership can release two types of drones from the orbs covering its surface: orange drones float after you and try to slam into the player, and red ones carry energy bombs that they drop, making a pillar of energy under them. It can also produce orb projectiles along with the drones that float in circles, slowly moving closer to the player. And finally the Mothership will sometimes glow purple and stop making drones, firing off a giant cloud of projectiles.

  • Moon Beast: A fraud, it only attacks with its tentacles, everything else it's unknown since it only has a single screenshot.

  • The Void: The Void can spit out spiked green blobs from its mouth that once attached to a monster they will blow up, they will also explode if attacked. The Void can also periodically unleash a burst of glitched fire from the underground, and finally has the same glitched spinning projectiles Glitchy Gezora had.

  • Red Angel: The Red Angel can hover and fly around the place, summon the monsters from the Red Temple for aid, and when its health is low, it can destroy the platforms below the monsters. 

  • Not-Gezora: Not-Gezora can attack with its tentacles, charge at the enemy, and squash its brain to make appear bubble projectiles that harm the player.

  • Not-Gigan: Not-Gigan can slash with its hands (it killed a fish lmao rip bozo) and fire a concentrated stream of toxic blood from its mouth, forming a beam with it.

  • Not-Hedorah: Not-Hedorah can do basic stuff like dashing, biting and slashing with its arm, be it also can shriek, calling a swarm of ten Horse Bats to assist it, and fire a laser from its mouth.

  • Not-MechaGodzilla: Not-MechaGodzilla can use its claws to attack, fire its side cannons, and also fire a really strong laser from its mouth, tho, it can't aim it up or down.

  • Not-Moguera: Not-Moguera can extend it sharp arm, stabbing the player, fly (with even more grace than mothra), fire 3 explosive projectiles from its tendrils which combust after traveling for a bit, fire projectiles from its nose, and extend its drill nose to attack the player.

  • Not-Varan: Not-Varan can kick (in a very goofy way) and fire homing missiles from its neck.

  • Chimera: The strongest of the summons and the one with more life, when all the “Not” monsters are killed, they fuse into “Chimera”, it can kick, use its giant Wakizashi sword, use its buzzsaw located in its right arm to cut the enemy and when almost all of its health its drained (since its body parts explode as its life goes down) and only its head remains, it flies around extremely fast ramming against the player.


Cult of X

Amazed by the current murders around town, a group of people came together to serve the one that did them, X. Seeing him as their god, they formed a cult, with the goal to do whatever X desires. There isn't a specific number of how many cultists are in the cult, but there are a lot. The integrants vary from normal people to even members of the police, gathering any information about anyone if needed. They also have various CDs that work as a way to summon X into any PC, and even make him come out of it if needed, though, only by a short span of time.

The 7 Guardians

These are the 7 Guardians of X, created to watch out and rule together over his world. They are essentially an “extension” of SONIC.EXE himself, created from a mixture of his dark powers and human emotions. The guardians corrupt humans by manipulating their emotions, specifically the ones they are tied into, and making them more susceptible to X killing them. They consist of:

  • Yukubo, the Guardian of DESIRE: The most powerful Guardian. Has a very punchable face, gives huge spoiled brat vibes, and keeps claiming to be perfect

  • Kyofu, the Guardian of FEAR: Kyofu is interesting, they target victims based on a body part they’re most fascinated with and adds to their own body as some sort of “collection”. They’re also the one who most shapeshifts out of the Guardians. Kyofu looks as if a Boogeyman and could be a Boogeyman, resembling their powers to manipulate one's nightmares into reality

  • Zetsubo, the Guardian of DESPAIR: Zetsubo likes to speak with rhymes, and tends to reside underwater for most of the time. They’re the most powerful in terms of psychological torment; 

  • Gekido, the Guardian of RAGE: They’re often reserved (ironic considering their name), and have a face permanently disfigured due to their outburst. They light a small fire whenever they speak

  • Kofuku, the Guardian of JOY: The friendliest, although that doesn’t make them the least deadly of the Guardians. They wear a mask to appeal to his audience, and are never shown to be anything other than happy. Kofuku looks like a clown, which is the reason they are labeled as the guardian of joy/happiness

  • Ken’o, the Guardian of DISGUST: Ken’o is in a permanent state of disgust. A disgust so strong that that resulted in their body devolving into a mass of void matter, some of which spills from their mouth constantly. They can move their rings with their mind and HATES humans, which also explains their disgust

  • Kito, the Guardian of PRAYER: Kito will emit a heavenly glow from their eyes and mouth to trap victims, causing them to kneel before Kito until they perish. Their tongue is the only part of them that moves fluidly, as prayer is tongue and speech. They resemble a priest, which is a given of why they’re the guardian of prayer

NOTE: Aishu and Kirai don't exist anymore. They were removed and new ones were put in new canon.


EXE is a dark, cruel, and crooked being, hellbent on vengeance against those who wronged him, and set on conquest of all he can seize. He lives for the suffering of all other life, and seeing others tear themselves apart. If he were to enter our reality permanently, all is lost. For not just this Earth, but every world and universe beyond it would be doomed. He was one of X’s experiments to create new life forms from his matter, technically his son. However, EXE didn’t want to share his ideas with his creator, and wanted to overthrow his position to proceed on his goals. Because of his rebellion, it led X to discard EXE out. So, while it isn’t really a thing Lord X could rely on combat, it’s still in the realm of the possibilities of what X can create, meaning it will be included anyways.

EXE has superhuman strength and can do things like teleport and manipulate fire, which is not too distant from what his “father” can do. EXE has a set of Guardians of his own, called the Harbingers, who purely exist in the real world, terrorizing victims and stealing their souls for himself. He can also shift into different forms, common for EXE versions, and most notably, in his own dimension, he has a Black Sun that serves to store the souls he collects.




  • Successfully brought fear to the universe throughout multiple years

  • Fought and defeated entities like Godzilla, Mothra, Baragon and Solomon

  • Nearly succeeded in getting a puppet in real life

  • Was part of the CKC tournament

  • Has 2 crossovers with fighting games (and more official merch)

  • Considered the best video game creepypasta

Attack Potency





  • SOMEHOW was born by himself (kinda)

  • Manipulated a very intelligent computer programmer to access our world

  • In old canon, has killed 32 victims, including Alan, Dave, Paul, Kyle, Tom, Chelsea, Cole MacGrath (inFAMOUS), and Derek Green

  • Overall, collected multiple souls throughout years

  • Made a cult, making them believe he's truly God

  • Canonically met Luigikid

  • Has enough bitches in his universe (what a sigma)

Attack Potency


  • Laughed off feeling pain in his eyes

  • Was fine with bisecting himself




NES Godzilla Monsters

RED, due to his status (and raw power) in the creepypasta, should easily upscale anyone in there, therefore he scales to:

Colossal Kaiju Combat! (debatable)

Thanks to being part of the planned roster for “Colossal Kaiju Combat!” he should scale to every Kaiju in the game. These include feats like:

Colossal Kaiju Combat! Card Game (debatable)

Although some of the monsters are not part of the game, they are part of other official media for the verse, the card game! Normally RED would not scale, but he is actually part of the card game too, meaning that he should scale to the exclusive monsters, which did stuff like:

Kaijujins (debatable)

In the world of Colossal Kaiju Combat, there exists a race of monsters so powerful that they are similar to the Greek pantheon, but, don't be fooled, even with such a big power, they are no gods. They live for the fight, representing everything a kaiju is, so, they gathered monsters from all dimensions to fight in the tournament of Colossal Kaiju Combat! RED scales to these entities, being the only one alongside Solomon to do so from the whole cast. This powerful entities did stuff like:





Even if RED has a lot of experience fighting and conquering planets, this led him to build a bit of an ego, which again, made him not take seriously any minor threat, but instead, just playing with them. He just tortures them straight up, this is what led him to his demise in the creepypasta, as we know he could have just stopped Zach’s heart anytime, but he decided to tear him apart emotionally, because that's what he enjoys: seeing people suffer. He also has a very bad habit of picking fights with people way weaker than him, just to build his ego even more.


Although he is a really strong entity, there's one thing that’s exe’s biggest weakness, no, it's not destroying the disk, nor destroying his world, X’s worst weakness is himself. You see, this amount of power led him to have a bit of an attitude. He acts like a kid in some parts, in the sense that he never takes a threat seriously, playing around with what he calls his “victims”, torturing them but, surprisingly, never killing them, not unless he gets bored of course. This attitude also makes him get angry pretty easily, having a short temper which makes him act more on instinct rather than rationally. 

Before The Verdict

The NGC game and its canonicity

Hi everyone, cheese here. So, there's a fan game based on the NES Godzilla creepypasta, in there some events are added so that begs the question, is it canon? Well… yes and no, you see, an actual canon official game is in the works, but does this fully mean the other game should not be used? Not really, since Cosbydaf himself promotes it, has it on his personal blog page, and even gave a hand in it, having greenlit stuff. So, basically, it doesn't go against any of the rules of the lore, and it has the approval of Cosbydaf. Therefore, should it be used? We believe so, but if you don't want to there's nothing wrong with that.

Colossal Kaiju Combat Scaling

One of the biggest questions when it comes to scaling RED to a lot of impressive feats. Colossal Kaiju Combat! without a doubt is a key thing that adds much more feats, scaling and abilities to RED, which would help him a lot in this matchup. With that said, is it good to use?

Short answer, no.

Long answer, the arguments for its applicability have a lot of flaws. The whole basis of using it involves around Cosby, RED’s creator, being involved in writing some of the descriptions of the concept arts, and the fact that one of them sources the original creepypasta for RED. You can see the problem, right? Just because cosby was involved in writing a few descriptions for concept art doesn’t mean it’s automatically canon to the original creepypasta. A lot of authors can be part of different projects related to the same characters, but it is not part of the canon. This happens a lot in comics or games, but using “author wrote = canon” as the only thing to sustain CKC scaling is definitely an issue. Also, sourcing the original creepypasta is just showing what RED was and explaining where he comes from. All of this leaves CKC as only concept art stuff, so it should not be utilized whatsoever. However, to keep things more interesting, we are using it for the sake of completion’s sake, and that’s why you can see a lot of elements from it throughout the blog, but it should not be used outside of it.


There is a lot of EXEs around, so much you could probably find anything on that long list, from good guys to bad guys, viruses, anti-piracy, is that fucking Zalgo

With that in mind, how do we take into account all these different EXEs? Quite easy, actually. SONIC.EXE and Lord X are the main ones, and other EXEs like 2017 and Xenophanes are from different universes. JoeDoughBoi said that no other SONIC.EXE exists in the same universe as X and that he never interacted with any other EXE. So that’s how they separate from each other.

SONIC.EXE Misconceptions

Is the RodentRap Friday Night Funkin’ mod canon?

To put it short: no, it's not canon. The mod consists of an alternate universe where X was interested in not only the Sonic series, but the Friday Night Funkin’ game. It wouldn't make a difference in scaling, though, since it's really just a “What If?” scenario and doesn't drastically change X to the point where he becomes notably stronger. But the mod also has kind of nothing so far, at least in terms of what could help in feats.

Are the Sonic Execution comics canon?

With comics we mean the ones where EXE fights with Fleetway Super Sonic, where they destroy various Sonic verses as a byproduct of their battle. Unfortunately, it is not canon, as it’s not done by any of the official creators/owners and contradicts points of the SONIC.EXE lore. But we highly recommend you to check it out!

Is (insert fangame) canon?

This explanation mostly goes for games like “Sonic.exe: One More Time”, “Sonic.exe: Spirits of Hell'', etc. As you may have guessed, no. No fan games aside from the main ones are canon. Hell, even some of them don't call SONIC.EXE, well, SONIC.EXE. For example, in Spirits of Hell, X is called Exeller.

And what about the animation trilogy?

That one, even if really popular, (I’m sure some of you saw some clips of it in some trailers) isn't canon. In the current time of the community, this specific SONIC.EXE is known as BRATWURST SONIC.EXE, a different version of the character. In fact, Bratwurst is actually Metal Sonic!

Does X actually kill Sonic characters?

No. A common misconception is that X kills straight up the normal cast, but really he's just killing, or well, torturing human souls trapped in the bodies of Sonic characters, being Alan (Tails), Dave (Knuckles) and Paul (Eggman), he also killed humans in the form of Shadow, Sally and presumably Rouge (Chelsea).

Is SONIC.EXE only powerful through his abilities?

Not really. For information on this, we recommend this well made blog on the topic!

SONIC.EXE and Lord X: Are They The Same?

A topic that has sparked curiosity among many is if SONIC.EXE and Lord X are the same character, because despite differences in concept, they act similar. So, is this logic right? Are they the same or not?

The answer is yes…  and no. Let’s start with the explanation, shall we?

Lord X in the original PC Port makes many mentions to previous events of the creepypasta, trying to remind the player of the old times. In the remake, he also shows it. Even according to the official Cult of X Wiki, he’s described as “your same old friend from 2011 waiting for a reunion”. To further confirm these facts, JoeDoughBoi himself has said that they are the same character. He specifically corrects his comments to imply that PC Port is a direct continuation of the original SONIC.EXE story, and when asked, he answers that he thinks the notion of both Xs being the same is pretty obvious. Even on a poll to ask his public on Twitter to think if Lord X should really be a continuation of the 2011 canon, he answers in one of the comments that Lord X was always supposed to be the original SONIC.EXE. Even if you could say that Lord X is just one of the many branches that could happen to SONIC.EXE, at the end of the day, Joe also implies that nothing would change at all if they were different. This is further evidenced with Joe saying that there is not a strongest EXE version

So, with all of that, what leads to the “no” part of the answer? Well, this one is more simple to explain. It’s because he’s SONIC.EXE from the future. Joe has said “Lord X is X, but X is not really Lord X”, but this is mostly because of the fact that Lord X is SONIC.EXE in the future, which shouldn’t be a reason to exclude Lord X.

TL;DR: There are many points that do make X and Lord X the same character, and even if they weren’t, it wouldn’t change anything, so they get the same things regardless.

Can SONIC.EXE go Super/Hyper?

The Chaos Emeralds are something fictional in the SONIC.EXE story. This is something Joe himself said. Technically, X can change his appearance to look like Super Sonic, but that wouldn't benefit him in anything, so there's no reason for him to do something like that. But I mean, if that makes him happy, I suppose we can't blame him…

Fanart Section

The matchup has never been so alive recently, with many and many fanarts dropping each day! So hey, why not give you guys some good looks at these talented pieces? 

By Ice (he also helped on this blog’s TN!):


By Westpion:


By ishi_yuki

By Electrik



Strength and Durability

Both these monsters have absurd feats, to the point that it reaches cosmic potency fairly easily. RED decently reaches the universal level, and so does X, but can both reach higher strength than that? 

Starting with RED… no, unfortunately he can’t without Colossal Kaiju Combat! being considered. Without it, he only has the Zenith feat that reaches universal levels of power. The cartridge feat is not a multiversal feat, as the scans presented only talk about the realm changing to fit whoever is playing. Meanwhile, SONIC.EXE has a few feats that make him get higher than universal. If it weren’t for the restrictions, he could’ve merged the real world with his own, and he can also mess with his own Void. X is so powerful that he actually cannot be measured at all. That would make him around high universal or universal+ in power, drastically higher than RED. Because both should have durability similar to their attack potency, we can skip it without it being that important. However, it’s good to note that RED is the only one who actually suffered damage from beings as powerful as himself, as X never really fought someone on his likes.


For speed, both fighters have impressive feats, but ultimately, the one that is built in the fast blue hedgehog’s image continues to carry his title of the fastest. Characters like Mothra, who RED should scale, have reacted to beams, putting her at 0.71c, and feats like outrunning expanding black holes and arguably flying from planet to planet can put RED at faster than light speeds. However, that pales in comparison to X’s best feats, including sending his dark power from the Void to Earth, a feat that gets to billions to trillions of times faster than light, and that’s ignoring the possibility that it could be an infinite speed feat too. In all adaptations of his backstory, it never specifies if he sent his dark power through teleportation, meaning it most likely crossed the Void to our universe, making it infinite speed by default. SONIC.EXE has also two other possible incalculable speed feats as well, like crossing the Void and being impossible to measure, which is more than enough to infinitely blitz RED. To be entirely fair, X not being measurable can only be in power, but it’s important to note that power levels can be speaking of all physical stats, and Joe has also talked about how we cannot measure who would win in a fight between all EXE versions. It’s definitely arguable, but SONIC.EXE takes it no matter what.

Addressing Colossal Kaiju Combat! feats

Hi, everyone, ishi_yuki here, just to quickly address CKC. As you’ve seen in the sections before these verdicts, CKC has no sustainable arguments to be applicable, as it’s not canon. But could RED match X’s power and speed with it included, anyways? Yup, he could. But for more information, I’ll be presenting all my thoughts on the feats following this document where Cheese tried to make his points using CKC.

  • First, the RED feat, where he says he was in “another plane of existence”. That's pretty vague to say it's 4-D, as "different planes" do not exactly mean higher dimensionality. For example, it's very common for Heaven and Hell to be defined as higher and lower planes of existence respectively in relation to the normal universe, in which case, "higher" and "lower" tends to simply indicate their relative position in a cosmology, as opposed to any kind of existential status. It's iffy to say that because it says he's in other plane it automatically means he's transcending. It doesn't help that it isn't backed up anywhere else.

  • The Hofo-Pepe one, where it’s argued that because he’s above the physical plane it would be 4-D, I don't agree with the logic of “existing beyond physical composition of our world” = higher dimensionality. It's much more safe to assume it refers to being above our physical planes; a non-physical being. AKA just a fancy way of saying he's not bound by physics. Extra-dimensional matter physiology may be a fair argument but creating dimensional breaches does not mean, well, spatial dimensions. It's basically saying that he creates breaches to go to other universes. Azrael falls into the same problem as Hofo-Pepe of "being above the physical plane".

  • Weaver has nothing much, really. Creating and destroying universes is impressive, but assuming it would also include space-time continuums isn't backed up by anything else. "The concept of Kaiju" being one of her greatest accomplishments also doesn't have back ups to say it's above concepts or she can manipulate them. If it were to be taken into consideration, it's mostly saying The Weaver spread the conscience of the "Kaiju" concept, which means she just made the Kaiju terminology better known.

  • Nagarl is a multi-dimensional monstrosity, but it doesn't go into details if it's specifically higher dimensions. More likely than not, it's referring to multiple universes at best. It doesn't actually prove he can destroy them, either. Saying he's a threat to them does not mean he can blow them up in one go. He was born outside of the universe, but that doesn't indicate higher dimensional status like SONIC.EXE, because whichever part of reality he was born from doesn't have proof of being 4-D or anywhere higher. It does say he can shoot beams of extra-dimensional energy but it doesn't specify physical attributes, so I wouldn't use that without hesitation.

  • To end the “higher dimensional arguments”, we have Valtar. Being faster than dimensional barriers is just talking about how the barriers that separate universes aren't able to stop his speed. Even if it were spatial dimensions, it could also just be breaking 2-D or 3-D dimensional barriers. We can also kill 6-D here too, because it assumes Grah is stronger than Valtar, making him a whole higher dimension stronger. Safe to say, that’s not how it works. Assuming Grah would be that much stronger from just a simple assumption of “he must be stronger because he’s the God of Strength” without any basis or backups can’t make more than vaguely stronger, yet alone 6-D. It also assumes he and Valtar are already 5-D, which uh, no!

  • For immeasurable feats, only Valtar has credit as he’s said to be faster than time. Macrosaurus isn't immeasurable though. It's just describing his time travel ability. By biting holes in space-time, he creates vortexes to other eras and locations. That's stated in his origin section.

So, yeah, including CKC would make them at least comparable in stats. As you all have been aware, though, CKC should not be used. Thank you for your time, now proceed with the rest of the verdict.

Arsenal and Abilities

Both fighters possess incredible abilities, and for a lot of them, they are evenly matched or nulled by each other. It’s not weird, as both devilish creatures have several powers in common:

  • They can both shapeshift their bodies to whatever they want, forming different weapons and body shapes

  • They can both manipulate fire, summoning it out of nowhere

  • They can both freely teleport themselves and others to different locations

  • They can create anything they want, as well as summon allies to aid them in battle

  • They are both not affected by their respective fear inducement abilities

  • They both have fusionism, and both can also give life to inanimate things

  • They can both resurrect the dead

  • They can both manipulate darkness

  • Both have very potent reality warping abilities, manipulation over data and technology, etc

  • The list goes on, really.

It’s frankly absurd how both of these fighters are so evenly matched in terms of raw powers, but at the end of the day, one of them needs to win, so who can actually deal with the other? Looking over some of the options RED has to offer, we can try to already get a notion of the most likely outcome. RED can stun SONIC.EXE, but that likely wouldn’t matter as it doesn’t affect his true form, so he could easily just create another vessel. RED has the option to mind control X, but X doesn’t have a mind to be manipulated, and if CKC is included, the Hourglass item likely wouldn’t affect SONIC.EXE due to him being born in the Void, which doesn’t have time. Things like his sealing and Death Touch could be advantages, but it doesn’t play as a factor due to being things that likely only worked because of the NES Godzilla game, like stopping making a character playable and ignoring rules of the battle system. One thing that unironically might be useful for RED, though, is the fact that if any Cult member tries to get rid of the cartridge, they could die, but this wouldn’t likely play a big factor, as the cult more likely than not is just keeping X alive with the disks. That leaves us to all the crazy things that SONIC.EXE could do in this fight. Let’s get through them, one by one.

First of all, let’s talk about both fighters' regenerative capabilities. RED’s is impressive, being capable of regenerating wounds to his body in quick seconds, but this is nowhere close to SONIC.EXE’s capability of recreating vessels instantly, and even if his true form residing in another dimension gets wrecked as well, being a non-existent being capable of reforming from pure dark matter or energy would mean that RED simply can’t put X down for good.

But what about Shadow of RED?

Shadow of RED isn’t a lot at all. After his clash with Solomon, their essences were spread through all points of time, leaving several REDs around time. This is not an omnipresence, nor some type of immortality. This means that there are a lot of REDs in all points of time. Frankly, even if he was capable of that, there’s no point in using this version of RED in a fight that takes both of these characters at their peaks, meaning Shadow of RED wouldn’t be applicable here at least at the first moments of the fight. Unless he makes SONIC.EXE clash and make him spread through time, that ain’t happening.

That leaves us to the other things that SONIC.EXE could do in the fight. Surprising as it sounds, RED has actually never dealt with mind control or emotional manipulation, meaning that SONIC.EXE could fairly use these to make RED serve him. While you can argue that RED is outnumbering with his summons, SONIC.EXE can easily turn them back against RED. And adding the fact that X is much smarter and has shown to rely more on his powers, it’s not hard to believe that he would come up with strategies like that. He can also control RED’s body biologically and organically to cause him trouble, and even play with RED’s head by spamming illusions and toying with his perception.

But for his most safe win condition, it’s of course, Black Hole. Once SONIC.EXE uses that, there’s simply no escape for RED. He will be erased from existence, instantly determining the victor. RED has never shown to survive being erased from reality itself, making it unlikely that he would come back from something so potent like that. Sure, X wouldn’t use the Black Hole until he gets bored or angry, but considering factors like the fact he only likes situations when he’s the one in command, and when he realizes RED can actually keep up with him, it could easily anger him, seeing that things are not going like what he is expecting. Additionally, the fact that his Dark Matter is similar to the Black Hole itself means that even if RED went to the Void with his dimensional travel and dimensional awareness for a direct attack to his Dark Matter, touching X’s true form would disintegrate RED from existence as well, as absurd as it sounds. There’s also the possibility of X just removing RED’s soul. As capable as this conqueror is, the entity from the Void is just more competent with his superior ability kit. 

Tertiary Factors

In terms of fighting skill and experience, it’s no surprise that RED takes it. Even without CKC, RED has shown to fight beings as powerful as he is, while X is a big fish in a small pond. It doesn’t help that RED is older than X. No matter how you look at it, RED is definitely taking this category. However, X is more intelligent, as his plans and strategies have shown to work better, and he’s decently skilled in manipulation without necessarily using his powers. While you can’t make him more skilled in fighting, when it comes to big brains and chess, X is safely smarter.





  • Can bypass Dark Matter.EXE’s intangibility, and can sense him in the Void…

  • Better number of summons…

  • More experienced and skilled in combat

  • STOMPED in the rap battle


  • Speed, with CKC scaling

  • Strength, with CKC scaling

  • Control over their worlds

  • A lot of their abilities cancel each other out


  • … but touching Dark Matter would instantly kill RED

  • … but X could take the souls of RED’s summons and make them part of his army.

  • X’s mind manipulation and emotional manipulation could be problematic for himself and his summons

  • Weaker and much slower 

  • Due to his sadistic personality, he would try to torture X for a while

  • X’s existence erasure would instantly end the fight

  • Got his ass beaten by a gamer





  • Better display of abilities

  • Stronger

  • Much faster, regardless of infinite speed

  • Could mind manipulate RED

  • More intelligent

  • The 7 Guardians and himself could control RED’s emotions

  • Can turn RED’s summons against him

  • Superior regeneration

  • His existence erasure would instantly end the fight

    • Touching X’s Dark Matter would make RED get erased from existence, immediately making X the winner by default

  • Better singer


  • Speed, with CKC scaling for RED

  • Strength with CKC scaling for RED

  • Control over their worlds

  • a lot of their abilities cancel each other out 


  • Less experienced and skilled in combat

  • Inferior number of summons

  • His playful personality makes him underestimate RED

  • Insert obligatory BAD WRITING and JC THE HYENA joke here

  • Was fucking everywhere on YouTube back in the day

To simply put, in this fight for control of reality, there can only be one, and SONIC.EXE has more than enough to prove his title of God.

In stats, SONIC.EXE is stronger and faster. The red kaiju shows universal strength and speed slightly above light, but X overshadows it with his immeasurable power and speed. And while RED definitely had abilities to keep the Dark Matter entity busy, his more potent abilities like illusions, mind and emotional manipulation, more impressive showings of reality warping, superior regeneration and devastating existence erasure, kept sure that this red giant was overwhelmed. He could’ve been less skilled, but his advantage in the field of intelligence could compensate it at the end. 

RED tried everything NES-cessary to win, but the game over was inevitable and the execution was done. Wanna try again? 

The winner is SONIC.EXE.

Final Tally

Team RED (1) - CheeseFM

Team SONIC.EXE (5) - ishi_yuki, Electrik, Mau, Adam, Trashy, Door-kun

Team Sunky.MPEG (1) - Why am I here

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