Blue Ranger Billy vs Chase Davenport (Power Rangers vs Lab Rats) | Axpire Blogs


“Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.” -Charles J. Sykes

Billy Cranston, the true, blue genius of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Chase Davenport, bionic brainiac from Disney’s Lab Rats

We know the trope all too well. The stereotypical high school nerd, getting good grades and getting shoved in lockers. These two do happen to fall in that category, but also happen to be saving the world on a regular basis. It’s time to find out which of these smarties can edge out in a high stakes battle. Well that’s what we here at Axpire are going to solve today. So buckle in as we go for a Mighty Morphin Bionic ride.

Before we start…

Going over what will be considered for both combatants, Chase is pretty straightforward. Things from the Lab Rats TV show itself, its sister sitcom Mighty Med, and the sequel show Lab Rats: Elite Force will all be considered (more info on Mighty Med scaling will be explained later). 

Billy will obviously be given the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show, but we will also be looking at feats from other seasons in the franchise. Given that the Rangers all draw power from the Morphin Grid and that they tend to fight on equal terms in crossovers such as Super Megaforce, scaling to feats done by other Rangers will be considered fair game for Billy. Other media, including the all but forgotten sister show Masked Rider, as well as comics from Boom! Studios and Papercutz, will also be looked at to further lay out Billy’s capabilities. 



“It's time for molecular transmutation! Triceratops!”

In the beginning, the universe was in turmoil. The wicked sorceress Rita Repulsa began a crusade to take over all worlds in the name of the Emperor of Evil, Lord Zedd. Many would rise to oppose them, including the benevolent wizard Zordon, who waged war against Rita’s forces. In the end, Zordon won and sealed Rita away in a Space DumpsterTM for ten thousand years. However, Rita managed to banish Zordon into a time warp, forcing him to exist outside of time.

Fast forward ten thousand years, and Rita finally escaped her prison on the moon and set her sights on conquering Earth. In response, Zordon, who was reduced to a floating head in a tube, summoned five “teenagers with attitude” and gave them the power to combat the forces of evil by transforming into Power Rangers. Among the five chosen ones was William "Billy" Cranston, the Blue Ranger, whose penchant of fighting monsters of the week is matched only by his immense intellect. 

Initially a frail nerd, Billy has proven himself time and time again as both a Ranger and a genius. He is responsible for many of the gadgets that the Rangers have used, even impressing Zordon, who gave them their powers in the first place. Over time, he broke out of his timid shell and began a journey of self-improvement with the support of his friends, which scored him more attention with the ladies compared to the other Rangers, funnily enough. While he may not be the toughest Ranger on the team, Billy is still a force to be reckoned with. With the power of the terrifying triceratops, he’ll always think of a way to take down any bad guy. 


“Who wants to discover a new element for the periodic table?”

Davenport Industries, perhaps one of the biggest technological companies in the world. Drones, exosuits, artificial intelligence with enough snark to rival just about any universe, all sorts of technology, all developed by the Davenport brothers: Donald and Douglas. The two worked on everything together, until eventually, Douglas came up with a… rather unorthodox idea to advance their technology: Implant bionics into humans to grant them superhuman abilities, and use them as bionic super soldiers. And his first test subjects? His own children: Adam, Bree, and Chase. 

Not exactly a fan of how unethical the idea of raising kids into weapons of war was, Donald put a halt to Douglas' work, and decided to take the evil brother's kids in as his own. But with the bionic integration already done, Donald decided to raise the children into something more than just soldiers: a team of bionic heroes that helps people in need. With Adam's super strength and Bree's super speed, the team needed a member of smarts to cap it off. And that's where the third bionic human comes in: Chase, the brains of the team. Together, Chase and his siblings would learn to use his abilities, work to help people, and after meeting a new stepbrother in Leo, how to live a normal life of school and cheesy sitcom drama.

Having lived only with his jock-like brother, hyperactive teen stereotype sister, and egotistical dad for most of his life, Chase had grown up into a rather peculiar individual, relying a lot on his smarts to get by through both missions and school, believing that brains triumphed over brawn every time, and sometimes seeing himself as above others for it. At least when Adam wasn't chucking him into something. He was also rather open to knowledge too, often seeking out ways to benefit himself, if a bit socially inept too, though he's usually the one to take things most seriously among the kids when it comes to missions and other assignments. 



Power Morpher & Power Coins

One of the first pieces of equipment ever designed to allow people to properly harness the power of the Morphin Grid, the Power Morpher operates by acting as a transfer mechanism or ‘bracer’ of sorts for Power Coins. Forged by the ninja Ninjor long ago, the Power Coin serves as a connection to the Morphin Grid and provides the energy needed for Billy to become the Blue Ranger. Ninjor also gave the Rangers special Ninja Power Coins to make up for their lost powers in Season 3. The Ninja Power Coin operates very similarly to the original Coins, drawing power from the spirit of the Blue Wolf and allowing Billy to morph into a Ninja Ranger (Ninja Mode explained later). 

The Power Morpher itself is said by Billy to work via molecular transmutation, although it’s never truly elaborated on in the original series.

His Morpher and Coin were heavily damaged in the original series, causing them to become incredibly unstable and life threatening, but they were seemingly repaired sometime between the end of the main series and Power Rangers Megaforce

Wrist Communicator 

Made by Billy himself, its primary function is in the name. This device was invented for the purpose of allowing Rangers to communicate with each other regardless of how far apart they are. To accent this, Billy gave it the ability to teleport anywhere via connections with the Morphin Grid. Rangers can also teleport other people along with them via physical contact. However, the communicator sometimes doesn’t work due to being damaged, signal scrambling, or just for the plot. 

Blade Blaster

Your standard mecha shift sword/gun, mostly used for taking out fodder but can still pack quite a punch, able to blow up monsters and buildings alike. It can slice apart Putties that tanked shots from the blaster and even hurt giant monsters. Billy is an ace shot with the Blade Blaster, able to hit moving targets from several feet away. Thanks to its design, Billy technically doesn’t even need to unholster the blaster to fire it. It also never runs out of ammo. However, it is susceptible to malfunctioning from EMPs and polarity switching

Power Lance

Each Power Ranger can summon his/her own unique Power Weapon. In Billy’s case, the Power Weapon of the Blue Ranger is the Power Lance, a blue double-bladed staff (also known as the Mighty Mace). A weapon of great power and range, it can cut through magic constructs, generate electricity, shoot energy, and split off into two short trident-like blades with adjustable handles. If those aren’t enough, he can also just chuck it really hard and impale his enemies. Alpha later upgraded the Power Lance to be strong enough to take down evil Ranger doppelgangers. The lance isn’t indestructible, though, as the Knasty Knight was able to critically damage it with his sword (though this is the only time the lance was actually damaged). It forms the inner barrels of the larger Power Blaster. 

Thunder Slinger

Don’t mind the fact that it’s labeled “Zyuranger”

The Thunder Slinger is a special super-weapon that Jason and Tommy obtained after passing a rigorous trial set by Zordon. By pulling and releasing the pull-back trigger, this blaster fires an energy shot so powerful, it can instantly wipe out Super Putties, which are nearly indestructible and can normally regenerate after being cut or blown apart. In Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger, the Thunder Slinger can combine with the Blade Blaster to form the Ranger Slinger, a combo weapon that can fire an even bigger blast to take down monsters. 

Anti-Sonic Foam Gun

One of Billy’s sillier weapons, the foam gun was custom made for fighting Grumble Bee, who had the power to create massive sonic blasts with their wings. As the name implies, this gun was used to cancel out that ability. It shoots a stream of foam that coagulates into glue, putting Billy’s opponents in a sticky situation

Ice Device

If a situation is getting heated, Billy can cool things down with this special extinguisher. The Ice Device is basically a super fire extinguisher, firing a cooling white mist that can put out fire. It’s so cold that it can not only freeze, but also push back the monster Saliguana’s fire breath

Mega Heater

On the other hand, Billy can come packing heat with his Mega Heater device. This gun shoots out a beam of red energy so hot, it can instantly daze a giant monster like TurbanShell, who was strong enough to take out the Thunder Megazord no problem. Hell, it caused the monster to start smoking from the inside. Tommy used the Mega Heater inside the giant monster to daze it long enough for Zack to cool it down from the outside, thus weakening it enough for the Rangers to finish it off. 

Mirror Shield

When facing off against the vain Octophantom, Billy designed a new device to take advantage of the monster’s narcissism. Obviously, the Mirror Shield acts as a sturdy defense against attacks, but its main feature is a threefold mirror set that reveals itself with the push of a button on the back of the shield. Jason used the Mirror Shield to distract Octophantom long enough to retrieve his Blade Blaster and defeat the monster. 

Signal Scramblers

They do exactly as the name implies. Billy has created various signal scramblers that range from short-range scrambling to interrupting a monster’s control over Zords, provided that the batteries are put in correctly. 

Shark Cycle

If Billy’s not up for teleporting, he can always hitch a ride on his Shark Cycle. Made from the fossilized fin of a great (unnamed) prehistoric shark, it’s fast and powerful, and it houses the spirit of said ancient shark. The Rangers proved to be naturals when it came to riding their new bikes, popping wheelies and straight up running over their enemies. The Cycles also seem to possess some sentience, as Kimberly’s Shark Cycle was able to swim out of the ground and materialize its wheels and engine by itself. 

Rad Bug

What do you get when you combine a worn-down Volkswagen Beetle with advanced alien technology? You get Billy’s Rad Bug ("Remote Activated Drivingzord for Basic Ultra Geomorphology"). If the Command Center’s teleportation systems are ever down for any reason, Billy can use this invention to get around. It can go from zero to 3,000 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds, and it can also fly. As the name implies, it can be summoned and controlled remotely. Unlike the Shark Cycle, which is built for battle, the Rad Bug is used solely for fast transportation. That being said, it’s still quite durable, as the Rangers’ Blade Blasters literally bounce off the tires (even though the comic clearly shows the Power Weapons but whatever). 

Triceratops Dinozord

What’s a Power Ranger without his trusty gigantic robot? When the going gets giant, Billy can summon his mighty Triceratops Dinozord from the desert to deal with enlarged monsters. This Zord can shoot laser shots from the twin cannons on its tail and fire cables/chains from its horns to ensnare opponents. It also has an underwater mode to navigate the seas. 

The Zords are incredibly powerful, even on their own. A single Zord can hold up the weight of a giant monster like Goldar, and Billy’s can even topple an evil Megazord and drag around the Dragonzord, which weighs 170 tons. Zordon has stated that the Zords are some of the most advanced technology in the galaxy. Although the Dinozords were destroyed by Zedd, they were seemingly restored by the Morphin Grid in Power Rangers Beast Morphers. The Triceratops Dinozord forms the left leg of the Megazord. 

Blue Wolf Ninjazord

Two Zords are always better than one, and thanks to the Ninja Coin, Billy has a backup at his disposal. Much like the tradeoff made when turning into a Ninja Ranger, the Wolf Ninjazord is more focused on speed and strategy as opposed to the Triceratops Dinozord’s brute force. It can dart around at high speed, fire laser shots from its eyes, flip through the air, whack enemies with its tail, and bite down on enemies if the tail doesn’t cut it. To further accentuate this style of dual combat, Billy eventually got around to programming the various Ninjazords with an AI that allows them to fight on their own should the need arise. The Wolf Ninjazord forms the left arm of the Ninja Megazord. 


Bionic Chip and Infrastructure

Bionic Chip

The source of Chase’s incredible powers, perfected by Douglas over the course of several years. Located in the back of his neck, by fusing with and sending signals to his nervous system, the chip grants Chase extraordinary abilities that are tailored to his unique biology (in other words, Chase is extremely nerdy by nature). Chase’s chip in particular is a newer model compared to Adam and Bree’s chips. As of Lab Rats: Elite Force, Chase has gained an upgraded chip, which has further increased his capabilities to an unknown extent (though Douglas offhandedly stated the upgrade would make him 10 times more powerful than before). Like with any electronic, however, the chip has to be charged and maintained, so Donald built capsules that the bionic teens can recharge their bionics in. Without them, their abilities can go haywire and activate uncontrollably. Thankfully, it usually takes a while for this to occur. 

Mission Suit

You have to dress for the occasion, or in Chase’s case, missions. The Lab Rats and Elite Force are all outfitted with skintight mission suits that protect them on the field. Chase has worn several mission suits throughout his career, with his latest (as seen above) being the most advanced, so aspects from previous suits should carry over. In general, the suits are designed to protect Chase from practically anything. It can endure extreme temperatures, enemy fire, and have a few miscellaneous functions like seat warmers, weapon holsters that double as snack compartments, and a resistance to mustard stains. Chase can instantly suit up via his capsule. 

Atmospheric Regulator Patch

While Chase has superhuman durability, even he has his limits when it comes to extreme temperatures. Namely, he needed extra protection when traversing the volcanic landscape of the planet Caldera, which can reach temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees… in winter. The atmospheric regulator patch evens out the user’s body temperature in extreme climates, allowing for safe passage in all kinds of environments. (Side effects may include drowsiness, nausea, and sudden death.)

Electrofield Destabilizer

A device that unleashes a burst of electricity whenever it comes into contact with metal. It can short-circuit heavy machinery like the Exoskeleton. However, it can also launch the user away if they’re not careful around metal. 

Duplicate Zapper

Sometimes your sibling just needs a good zap if things get out of hand. This zapper shoots out an electrical current that can vaporize duplicates of people made from synthetic bioplasma. Obviously, it would be dangerous if a normal person were zapped, and Chase stated that it could fry a bionic person’s entire infrastructure.



The Davenports’ way of riding in style. Donald created this high-tech motorcycle to get around without needing to rely on Bree’s super speed. It can go 250 miles per hour and comes with autopilot, laser-guided weapon systems, and a flower vase. Chase tinkered with it to try and make it go faster, but it used up too much gas at once. Fortunately, he and/or Donald fixed it later on. 

Laser Bo

Chasedavenport Labrats GIF - Chasedavenport Chase Labrats GIFs

In an effort to shift the power balance of the house (AKA stop Adam from pushing him around), Chase had Douglas unlock a new ability for him, enabling him to generate a laser bo staff. This gives Chase more of an advantage in close-range combat, even allowing for him to match Adam's raw strength. If someone manages to disarm him, he can simply make a new one. However, since the laser bo is made of energy, that means someone with energy manipulation can counter it, such as when the Incapacitator, well, incapacitated Chase and damaged his bionic infrastructure.



Ranger Physiology

Like with every Ranger, through harnessing the Morphin Grid, Billy’s capabilities increase many times over. This is shown to be applied to the primary stat trifecta as well as other areas of themselves. The Ranger suit also gives their users the ability to breathe underwater and in space, and it protects them from harsh environments, such as the poisonous air of Edenoi. It even protects Billy’s mind from time reversing and affecting everyone else’s memories. The most noteworthy improvement is an absolutely massive amplification of his combat skill. By morphing, Billy immediately gains extensive knowledge on how to fight and use his weapons and Zord. This is noted by the most experienced martial artists of the group: Trini and Jason, who stated that he went from having zero combat skill to becoming a living weapon as a Ranger. This is especially important to note because since the beginning of the series, Billy is far more skilled than he once was even without morphing, his physical and mental prowesses having drastically improved. As a Ranger, Billy also gives off a unique energy signature that can be picked up on by scanning equipment. 


Martial Arts

Determined not to fall behind his peers physically, Billy began taking karate lessons under Jason. He started the series as a karate novice, and by Power Rangers Zeo, he had become a fully-fledged black belt. Billy has proven again and again that he is just as good a fighter as the rest of his team, even taking on enemies unmorphed fairly often. In addition, the game Power Rangers: Legacy Wars also gives him a few specific techniques beyond just the standard punches and kicks.  

Tricera Combo: A standard three-hit combo: two punches followed with a kick. 
Vaulting Kick: Billy leaps forward with his Power Lance and kicks an enemy. 
Power Lance Pull: Thrusts his Power Lance forward, then pulls it back, hitting an enemy twice and pulling them closer to him. The second hit also stuns the enemy for a short time. Good for hitting enemies from a distance. 
Mighty Launcher: Billy swings his Power Lance and launches an enemy upward. 
Staff Slam: Billy slams his Power Lance forward and breaks an enemy’s guard. 


Always makes gadgets and tools to counter monsters (see some equipment above)
Tracked down Jason while he was in the Dark Dimension, an entirely separate pocket dimension 

Ninja Ranger Power

A different form the Rangers utilized in season 3 to combat the Tenga warriors, this form is described as being the intermediate point between civilian Billy and Ranger Billy, sacrificing full body protection for increased speed and versatility, as the Ninja state grants Billy plenty of new powers to use.

Substitution/Teleportation: If in danger, Billy can substitute himself with an identical copy of his robes and teleport away.
Flash Step: Ninja Rangers have the ability to amplify their speed to the point where they appear as a blur, even to those comparable to them.
Burrowing: In a move straight from Naruto, Billy can teleport underground to take enemies by surprise.
Explosive Energy: Ninja Rangers have shown the ability to create explosive energy from their hands that homes in on targets before detonating.
Merging: If needed, Billy can merge into surfaces using ninja powers, and then attack the opponent from ‘inside’ the surface. 
Duplication: Another classic ninja move, Rangers can duplicate themselves if solo combat doesn’t feel right.
Smokescreen: Ninja Rangers can generate smoke clouds if necessary to add a little flair to their teleportation.
Mind Manipulation: By holding their hands out, Ninja Rangers can mind control people into doing their bidding. Too bad it doesn’t help their dance coordination.
Size Manipulation: Possibly the craziest power of the lot here, Ninja Rangers can grow to a massive size, possibly even rivaling the Zords!

Metallic Armor

At some point, the Tengas got even beefier, so the Rangers steeled themselves with a Metallic Armor form. Still drawing power from the Ninja Coin, the Metallic Armor taps directly into the Morphin Grid and drastically increases Billy’s strength and defense to the point that the new, stronger Tengas couldn’t even scratch him. It also improves Billy’s speed, letting him move as a blur similarly to his Ninja Ranger form. On top of all of that, the armor grants resistance to magical attacks like hypnotic sounds. Also it’s shiny. So shiny, in fact, it’s dangerous. However, should Billy ever have to move offworld for any reason, the armor can’t be used outside of Earth’s atmosphere

Pose and Explode

A quintessential Power Ranger move, Billy can spontaneously cause explosions that reach several stories high around him just by posing. 


Bionic Physiology

Thanks to Douglas’s experiments, Chase and his siblings were genetically engineered to have superhuman abilities, each with unique powers controlled by microchips in their necks. In general, Chase possesses superhuman strength and speed, though obviously not to the extent of Adam or Bree, respectively. Still, he’s far tougher than the average person: the Lab Rats were built to survive anything, such as extreme climates. Chase is talented enough in hand-to-hand combat to keep up with his siblings, possibly being the best fighter on his team. While his fighting style is never specified, one martial art he’s confirmed to know is aikido. He can even fight on par with Troy, an android programmed with every known style of martial arts (at least until Chase came into contact with his literal abs of steel). He’s trained to the point that he appears to be physically superhuman even without his bionics, as he’s capable of leaping several feet into the air after his chip was destroyed. He also has a plethora of powers and apps (minor abilities) that capitalize on his enhanced anatomy and, most importantly, his intelligence. 

Super Intelligence

It’s always big brain time for Chase! His main power is super intelligence, which gives him a higher brain capacity and processing speed than ordinary people. This alone sets Chase apart from his peers, as he was only able to acquire this trait because his chip is a newer model than Adam’s or Bree’s. Marcus is the only other bionic being who was programmed with super intelligence; that just goes to show how unique Chase’s capabilities are. Chase himself and even Douglas have stated that Chase was engineered to be the smartest person on the planet. His feats certainly don’t disprove this notion, as Chase specializes in complex mathematical analysis and making inventions (with varying degrees of success and/or sass). Obviously, he’s a genius when it comes to school subjects and, given enough time, he can master practically any physical skill (except for football). Chase comes equipped with various perks and skills that are exclusively tailored to his brains.

Mathematical Calculation: Thanks to his brain’s heightened processing speed, Chase can calculate angles and other complex mathematical processes almost instantly. This even applies to other uses, as he can speed read whole books in seconds. However, there is a limit as to how much he can process at once. 
Tech-xpertise: Chase is knowledgeable on all the latest devices on the market, and is an expert with technology in general. He can make and transmit viruses to infect machines for various purposes so long as he has access to a computer. He can also understand and communicate in binary
Hacking: The quintessential skill for tech geniuses. Chase is capable of remotely hacking computers and machines, such as an electric lock. 
Mental Database: Chase’s brain is like a computer, which lets him learn whatever he wants if he searches for it. He can also connect to a mental database of information that lets him scan and identify things with his eyes (scanning elaborated on later). It holds information on things like paintings and people, the latter of which includes facial recognition scanning.
Fingerprint Recognition App: Chase’s mental database also includes a list of people’s fingerprints, which he can use to match with a fingerprint he scans. 
Photographic Memory: Marcus, a bionic android, possesses this trait specifically because he was programmed with super intelligence. Given this fact, Chase should have this as well. 

Super Senses

As part of his bionic capabilities, Chase has a few super senses up his sleeve. 

Scan Vision: Chase can use his enhanced sight to scan anything in his vicinity with his bionic eyes. This allows him to calculate and perform complex tasks, such as when he mastered how to play an electric guitar mere moments after scanning one. It can act as X-ray, thermal, and microscopic vision, and it can let Chase analyze an object’s chemical composition. It can also let Chase analyze other chips and see a bionic being’s abilities. However, the scans can be avoided with something that prevents all these kinds of detection, such as Donald’s invisibility cloak. When he scans something, he can even project a holographic image from his eye and interact with it, Tony Stark style. When he scans, Chase’s right eye glows blue and his left eye glows green (although in later seasons, both his eyes usually glow green). 
Ultrasensitive Hearing: Chase is able to listen for just about anything in the area to a very specific degree, from distant conversations to noises no one else can hear. While he did struggle with it early on to the point that a school bell drove him mad the first time he heard it, he adjusted to it quite quickly. 
Senses Recording: Chase can record whatever he sees and hears. To replay it, he uses a built-in flash drive in his finger and plugs it into a USB slot. 
Bionic GPS: Chase can track down signals emitted from technology like cell phones and microchips. This ability works two ways, though, as others can track his chip’s location should they have the ability to. Through his GPS, Chase can also use sonar to map out his environment underwater. For another method of hacking, Chase can use his GPS to remotely tap into computer systems, like when he accessed Donald’s self-driving car and turned on some of its systems, though he was unable to access the CPU and shut the car off. 
Glitches: In the right circumstances, Chase’s super senses can sometimes glitch out, which can result in things like overloading his scanning sequence or just sneezing really hard. The latter can actually work to his benefit, however, since his snot is powerful and plentiful enough to put out a large fire

Force Field Generation

One of Chase's primary bionic abilities is the ability to generate energy fields. While their range is rather small without outside assistance, they’re quite potent, allowing for Chase to defend against all sorts of attacks, such as Adam’s heat vision or even reentry from space to a planet’s surface. It can block off dangerous radiation, satellite signals, and even energy. It’s not limited to just defense, though, as Chase can condense the field into a ball and throw it as a projectile. The force field ball can also short-circuit electronics and surround other things upon contact, like with Donald’s self-driving car. However, they’re not invincible; enough force can break them and overpower Chase.

Molecular Kinesis

At some point, it turned out that the bionic teens had hidden abilities that even Donald didn't know about, abilities that would reveal themselves as they grew up due to special code hidden in their bionic infrastructure. Chase was the first to unlock a hidden ability, specifically the power to manipulate the energy around an object. This allows him to telekinetically lift and move things with his mind, or even other people. How effective Molecularkinesis is depends on an object’s size and speed; it wouldn’t work on something that’s too big or moving too fast. Though it only works if he's able to focus on something, he's mastered it to a point he could use it with ease, becoming precise enough to build and hold together a house of cards. He can also stop others from moving, even if they’re running at super-speed like Bree. 

Victor Krane, another bionic human, was able to use Molecular Kinesis to Force choke Donald, stop Adam’s flame vision, and disorient the bionic teens by lifting them into the air, then dropping them. Marcus used Molecularkinesis to hit his opponents without needing to touch them. Theoretically, Chase should be capable of replicating these effects.


I have to go now, my planet needs me

Another one of Chase’s hidden abilities, which he apparently unlocked while in the shower. As the name implies, Chase can temporarily float midair, which he can then use to throw his opponents off guard and land a strong hit on them. 

Override App

This ability allows Chase to connect with a bionic human’s infrastructure through their chip and force them to do whatever he wants, letting him puppeteer them or even shut down their systems. However, while it can override bionics controlled by the Triton App, it can’t override another Override App’s control. The signal also can’t bypass tinfoil

Magnetism App

Name says it all. With this, Chase can attract or repel metal objects. He can also reverse polarity, as seen when he fought the android Troy West. 

Commando App

As a reactionary defense on Chase's end when his stress levels are too high, his bionics can activate a fight-or-flight response, but the flight response was taken out and replaced with "the testosterone level of a Tasmanian devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that’s mad." This results in the emergence of Spike, an aggressive alter ego of Chase who's a fearless brute that prefers to solve things with his fists and insults rather than his brains. This radical personality shift results in a major increase in strength as Spike proceeds to brute-force his way through everything, even letting him overpower and manhandle Adam, the team's powerhouse, with ease. The angrier he gets, the more unhinged he becomes. 

You’d be mistaken to think of him as a mindless beast, however; while Spike may lose Chase’s brains, he keeps all of his fighting skills. He can effortlessly disarm and defeat a black belt martial artist, and he can be a surprisingly smart fighter, like when he fought Adam and countered his heat vision. The Commando App disengages when Chase calms down, though he loses the strength increase and won’t remember what he did as Spike. 

Two Simultaneous Abilities

While technically not an actual ability, Chase can use two of his bionic powers at the same time should the need come up. However, doing so puts immense strain on his systems and could kill him. When Chase used his Magnetism App and Molecular Kinesis at the same time, he was able to bend and break apart large titanium rings that could resist either ability by his own admission, though he passed out afterward. Later, he is shown using his force field and Override App simultaneously (as seen above), which left him visibly exhausted. 





Foiled Rita Repulsa’s plans on a practically weekly basis alongside the other Rangers
Out of the original team, was working alongside the Rangers the longest
Has a black belt in karate
One of Zedd’s assassins, Dayne, did a study on the Rangers to find any weaknesses to exploit for each of them, only to find he had to get back on Billy. For reference, Dayne had a good read on Tommy Oliver, one of the greatest Rangers to ever live.
Outsmarted and depowered Lord Drakkon
Fought in the Legendary Battle alongside every other Power Ranger up until the Megaforce team
Named after Walter White


Is capable of casually shattering Putties while unmorphed
Scales above normal people like Bulk, who was able to launch Rito and a Tenga away with a seesaw mechanism
Rangers can harm Rito Revolto, who withstood an impact that shook and made a massive crater on the moon. Billy could even hear the impact from Earth somehow. (3.4 Gigatons)
(Dino Thunder) Is comparable to Tommy Oliver, who can create fissures large enough to trap a large monster, then summon a geyser of fire powerful enough to incinerate said monster
(S.P.D.) Should compare to Bridge Carson, who lifted and chucked a car
(Super Megaforce) Scales to Vrak, who caused a solar eclipse after stealing the Rangers’ powers (714 Zettatons)
(Dino Super Charge) Scales to Lord Arcanon, who destroyed Sentai 6 (181 Yottatons)
(Dino Super Charge) Scales to Sledge’s ship, which could pull the Earth out of orbit (19.9 Ninatons)
Several villains in Dino Charge survived an explosion that destroyed the ship, and the Rangers should scale


Moved fast enough to leave afterimages
Is comparable to Trini, who dodged Goldar’s lightning blasts while unmorphed
Scales to the monster Goatan, who could swat Kimberly’s arrows out of the air 
Should compare to Rito Revolto, who can dodge Zedd’s lightning after it fires, which can reach Earth from the Moon in seconds (5.24 c - 5.34 c
Should compare to Zedd, who can throw Growth Bombs to Earth in seconds. This happens every time he makes a monster grow. (0.2 c)
Unmorphed Rangers, Rita and Zedd all react to monster Bulk firing a laser that reached the moon from ground level in seconds (0.64 c)
Scales to Goldar who, along with Zedd, piloted Serpentera to the farthest galaxy in just a few hours (21.6 trillion c)
(Masked Rider) Scales to Dex, who flew from Edenoi to Earth in minutes while untransformed. Edenoi is located somewhere in the Andromeda constellation. (34 million c)
Rocky and Tommy were able to keep up with a transformed Dex while holding back
(In Space) Scales to Andros, who could fight and react to enemy fire while flying past stars (2209 c - 3534 c)
(Mystic Force) Scales to Chip and Udonna who could react to sunlight while unmorphed (0.54 c)
(Dino Super Charge) Scales to the monster Leisure who flew close to the sun from ground level in seconds (248 c - 494 c)


Stood inside the Command Center when it blew up (548.94 tons of TNT)Stood next to Alpha 1’s self-destruction unscathed without his helmetTanked an attack from a giant monsterTanked an energy blast from Tommy which can topple this huge monsterSurvived a missile barrage from the DragonzordSurvived a blast from the Power Blaster from a team of evil Power Rangers (said evil Rangers were stated to have the same powers as the actual Rangers)Tanked the Tower Formation Attack reflected back at him, which can take out this monster that previously no-sold the Rangers (In Space) Should scale to the Space Rangers, who tanked a hit from Sting King, who could create a large explosion on Earth visible from space



Has trained his whole life to handle any kind of missionWent on to join the Elite Force after the original team disbandedHas many scientific accomplishments (and will spend literal hours explaining them all), including memorizing the first 10,000,000 digits of piFighting skill is on par with black beltsCompleted med school and became a chiropractor in the Philippines in less than a single school dayHelped reanimate an extinct sea spiderSurvives being the youngest/shortest of the family on a daily basisPlayed by Nathan Drake


Bent titanium rings while using both the Magnetism App and Molecularkinesis. Said rings were generating an energy field that Adam couldn’t break through.Flipped Adam onto his backSent Adam flying with a force field ballHis molecularkinesis can stabilize a falling helicopter that Leo’s bionic arm struggled to hold downAs Spike…Obliterated a wooden chairThrew a wooden bo staff into a wallTore apart a drinking fountainRipped the door off a refrigerator and threw it across the roomThrew Adam across a room, then proceeded to beat him upDonald stated that emotional glitches could make Chase “take out everything from [Mission Creek] to TijuanaBree has stated that Chase’s laser bo can slice a normal person in halfCan fight on par with Sebastian, who tanked a hit from the laser bo and at one point unlocked all his hidden abilities, including super strengthFought evenly with Gray Granite, whose body is made of hard rocks, and his laser bo can match his staff, which can cause earthquakes and normally absorbs energyBeat Troy West, who knows every style of martial arts and is as strong as AdamCan match Adam's strength with his laser bo or force field, and as Spike he outright overpowers him. Adam…Can casually break down steel doors in just one hitThrew a backpack through a steel doorCaught a sinking submarine and threw it back to the surface from the ocean floor Punched a large asteroid into piecesIs stronger than the Crusher, who’s renowned for being the strongest man in the universeIs comparable to Tecton, who is stated to be immune to pain and casually creates earthquakes to the point that being close to death unleashes tectonic tremors uncontrollably Used heat vision to block Gamma Girl’s gamma energyShould scale above the Great Defender, who can spin a hospital on his finger and slow down Neptune’s rotation (35.31 Zettatons)Should be comparable to Leo, who can dent and break open a steel wallScales to Bree, who…Launched Scarlett into the distance with her proton ring (laser weapon similar to the laser bo). Scarlett is as powerful as Skylar.Fought evenly with Taylor, who’s as strong as AdamWith the help of his peers, was able to lift up the bionic academy with his molecularkinesis With the help of Adam, Bree and Leo, stopped a runaway train


Capable of reacting to and avoiding laser fire, as are his slower peers Throws up a force field after Adam fires his heat visionAs Spike, he can react to Adam’s heat visionLeo has reacted to lasers even before acquiring bionics, and can block a barrage of them in “The Rats Strike Back”Douglas reacts to Otis’s heat vision after it firesDr. Gao straight up catches Adam’s heat visionLocked onto Krane’s spaceship with his scan vision while flying his own spaceshipTagged Bree with his Molecular Kinesis and should be physically comparable to her. Bree can… Match Skylar Storm in a race, the latter of which was able to fly to Caldera (approx. 81 million ly away from Earth) in a brief period of time (29,585,765,156,261 c)Footage of their race had to be slowed to 1/10,000th of a second to see them run at normal speedMove several feet in a 1.75 second time frame stated by ChaseEffortlessly outrun a train moving at 400 mph in the span of a few seconds, then runs back on it. She even picked up some things along the way.Run from Mission Creek High School (in California) to Ohio and back in secondsRun from Mission Creek to New Jersey, assimilate to the culture, and run back in under a minuteRun across water from Paris to Las Vegas (6,000 miles, according to her) while pulling Oliver, Skylar and Adam along with herType out every word in a minute. All of themScales to Adam, who… Swam to the ocean floor from surface level in minutesThrew a car fast enough to intercept a missile designed to take out rogue asteroidsShould scale to Tecton through Adam, who can react to Megahertz’s lightning and outrun a small rocket 


Adamdavenport Labrats GIF - Adamdavenport Davenport Labrats GIFs

- Casually gets manhandled and beaten around by Adam to a comedic degree, as seen above 
- Survived an avalanche and being buried for around 3 hoursTanked Adam’s heat vision 
- Survived hits from Marcus’s super strength which surpasses Adam’s, though he does get knocked out from stronger abilities 
- Is only stunned by lasers and laser weapons that could cut an ordinary person in half 
- Tanked electrocution from both Krane and Dr. Gao (in the past, Krane could one shot Chase with electricity) 
- Scales to Adam, who… Survived jumping out of a plane and crashing into his houseCan handle the pressure of the deep ocean without any problems 
- Tanked the energy of his blast wave reflected back at him 
- Scales to Bree, who tanked Gamma Girl’s gamma energy 
- Should scale to the Crusher through Adam. The Crusher…Survived on the planet Ebrion, which has a force of gravity 40 times that of Earth’s 
- Once survived with a bad case of “a missile in the stomach” 
- His force field…Lets Chase survive falling from space into a planet’s surface 
-  Can block Adam’s heat vision, even when intensified 
- Krane tanked a shot from Donald’s thermal blaster, which the latter claimed was his strongest weapon and hit like a lightning bolt



mY pOwEr MoRpHeR

Like with any Ranger, Billy’s powers are not permanent. If he sustains enough damage in battle, his morph will deactivate and he’ll go back to his civilian form. Granted, Billy can hold his own in a fight even without his Ranger form, but he’ll undoubtedly be far more vulnerable. In addition, the Rangers generally work better as a team than by themselves, meaning that Billy, while certainly a capable fighter, won’t be at his peak without the other Rangers. His energy can also be drained by enemies, and although Billy can recover it later on, he’ll be left vulnerable in an immediate fight. He also suffers from ichthyophobia, or a fear of fish, but he overcame this fear to the point that it doesn’t bother him in a fight. Billy also has a number of personal weaknesses, namely feeling more insecure about his potential in comparison to his Ranger peers. Fortunately, he would work to overcome these inner demons. 

Another weakness comes from Billy’s Power Coin and Morpher. Rito Revolto was able to damage them with a powerful lightning attack, rendering their connection to the Morphin Grid unstable. This means that enough force can damage them. While Billy can still morph with them, the unstable transformation is painful and could kill him. 


You never seen a grown man in a diaper before?!

Besides the miscellaneous limits of his abilities, Chase has his fair share of disadvantages. Despite being superhuman, he’s not invincible; enough force will knock him out, and he even died in an alternate timeline. In addition, his enhanced intelligence tends to cause him to overthink things and make him irritated with other people’s actions if they don’t line up with his solutions. However, his main weaknesses ironically come from his bionics. Since bionics weren’t meant to be integrated into organic beings, his powers are prone to glitching out, usually due to extreme emotions or hardware issues. This can cause all sorts of problems, usually resulting in his abilities acting out without control. Overloading his super senses can cause problems as well, as there’s a limit to how much information he can process at once. His bionic chip is vulnerable to viruses and hacking. It can also glitch out from electromagnetic waves. If exposed to an EMP, his vision can pixelate, effectively rendering him blind. A particularly powerful electromagnetic wave can straight up melt his chip inside his neck. If all that wasn’t enough, some villains in Lab Rats have used a bionic signal interrupter, which cuts off a bionic chip’s connection to the body, more or less rendering Chase a normal person. 

Bringing out Spike also has some major drawbacks (shocking, we know). The biggest one is that Spike can’t use Chase’s other abilities, meaning all he has to rely on is his strength and insults. Even then, Spike isn’t unstoppable, as he has been overpowered by other strong people like Principal Perry and Spikerella (Bree’s Commando App alter ego), both cases essentially forcing the Commando App to deactivate. Also, Spike can be oddly too chivalrous for his own good, as he refuses to fight women under the assumption that they can’t fight (though Spikerella would quickly correct him on this, so it’s possible Spike has learned his lesson). 



Power Rangers Blue Ranger GIF - Power Rangers Blue Ranger Billy Cranston GIFs

“I like to invent things. And unfortunately, that means failing… a lot. But this one guy, who is a lot older and wiser, he once told me… Failure is a choice. And it only begins when you stop trying.”



- Similar strength/durability with low-ends, vastly superior high-ends
- Far more experienced
- Morphin Grid increasing Billy’s skill makes up for inferior training
- More varied arsenal
- Zords furthers the AP gap and provides a large size advantage 
- Ninja form provides a size advantage without Zords and helps even the speed gap
- Teleportation lets him control the battlefield
- Got fucking jacked and gets the ladies



- Slower in base
- Less abilities outside of ninja form
- Triceratops Zord could be hacked, and even if the ninja variant is brought out to match it the playing field is still evened regardless
- Got scrapped in place of a literal nameless character in the fighting game


“There may be some people who still don’t accept us, but… that doesn’t matter. We know who we are.”


- Matches Billy’s low-end strength and durability
- Slightly faster
- Laser bo and force fields help match AP 
- More general abilities compared to Billy’s normal and Metallic formsBetter training 
- Could hack the Triceratops Zord
Spike makes him stronger than Base Ranger Billy… 


- …At the cost of Chase’s other general advantages 
- Stomped by Billy’s high ends, Spike or not 
- Less control over the battlefield 
- Vulnerable to Ninja Billy’s mind hax 
- Significantly less varied arsenal 
- Can’t get the ladies, even the ones he builds 


Before we begin our Verdicts

Before we get to our verdicts, we want to go over some simple things out of the way for both, to start off:

BUT WAIT! We have an announcement.


Hello everyone reading this blog right now, this is Weniss talking to you. You probably also know me as Adam. I hope you’ve enjoyed the effort we’ve put into this blog so far. It genuinely brings a smile to my face to see this all come through. As for the announcement, we were originally going to keep this to a small group of friends I call the ‘Ax’pire’ as you can tell from the name of the blog. However we talked about it and came to the conclusion we want to share the fun with everybody. So after this blog, and the reveal of our next line of match ups, you will be able to freely message myself or any of the staff team for the Ax’Pire Blogs to join. Just a heads up, our goal here is to focus on more obscure ideas that need more popularity. With that being said, if you do join you can even suggest blogs we do in the future which gives you a full hands on experience in being able to CHOOSE what we look into the future. No matter what you suggest, we’ll always be open to your ideas. From fans of Marvel to Homestuck, we’re glad to have you here with us on the journey. I’ll see you all in the next blog.

Lord Drakkon Scaling

Billy sweep ngl

Jokes aside, sadly Billy does not scale to the destructive dictator of the multiverse himself, Lord Drakkon. As seen above, Drakkon was strong enough to annihilate the multiverse after absorbing the Heart of a Morphin Master. Drakkon is consistently shown to be far superior to other Power Rangers in strength (it’s kinda his thing) and usually requires the heroes to depower him or find some way to get around his immense power. As such, Drakkon will not be considered viable scaling for Billy’s stats. 

Mighty Med Scaling

As you saw in the feats section for Chase, we established some feats from the other Disney sitcom Mighty Med, and wanted to address why for those who may not know.

For those who don’t know, Lab Rats and Mighty Med both take place in the same universe. They crossed over in the episode “Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med” which took place across both shows. Additionally, the final season for both, Lab Rats: Elite Force, has characters from both series, including Chase, star in it. With that in mind, it’s easy to grab feats from both to help ground out Chase’s stats.

Can Chase hack the Morpher?

One of the most common talking points brought up in Billy vs Chase is that of whether or not Chase, with his solid hacking skill, could hack Billy’s Morpher, thus severing him from the Morphin Grid and leaving him powerless. After our research into the Mighty Morphin TV show/comics and even some other installments of the PR franchise we have found this to not be plausible for multiple reasons.

The first is that while Billy’s Morpher is clearly a mechanical device, that doesn’t necessarily make it susceptible to hacking. Hacking, without any inverse showings of it being otherwise, is referred to as the unauthorized access of data/programing files within a device. But not all mechanical devices inherently have said data Chase would require to hack. Programming is in fact a topic that has been brought up in Power Rangers before, with Billy even having installed AIs in his Zord in order to give them an autofight function, meaning they are aware of the connotation. Other Rangers in certain series past the Mighty Morphin era use morphers that are blatantly technological and chained to devices with proper programming to hack, but the point still stands that whether or not MM morphers are is not clear enough for it to be a proper advantage Chase would have here.

On top of this, should Chase even successfully hack into the Morpher and stop it from functioning properly, that wouldn’t remove Billy’s access to the Grid, as the power utilized through the Morpher is actually contained within the Power Coins; the Morphers themselves are described as bracers for the power. This means that as long as the Coin is still undamaged in Billy’s possession, he still has access to both his Zords and his Ranger form. Furthering this notion is that in Power Rangers Beast Morphers, the Morphin Grid restored Jason’s Power Coin from a meteor and even summoned Jason himself, along with the other Rangers, showing that the Coin itself is what links the Rangers to the Grid. 

However, just because Chase can’t directly hack into the Morpher itself doesn’t exclude his ability of screwing with the morphing process. Chase also has access to electromagnetic pulses, aka EMPs, which are notorious for their ability to overload and temporarily disable technological devices. So we had to cover this potential area as well, which was also shown to be a bit of a bust.

See, the concept of electromagnetic waves is in fact something the series has addressed and tackled. In an issue of the comics there was a throwaway statement about how certain electromagnetic fields could affect the Morpher’s ability to function properly. However, this was never brought up or mentioned again past this point, nor is there anything implying that it's a consistent rule for the series. For one, the Power Morphers don’t even utilize electricity to function, as the Power Coin uses the Morphin Grid, an entirely separate source of energy. To further seal this possibility away, the Cenozoic Blue Ranger has been stated to use electro-magnetic pulses in certain attacks, which when applied to currently morphed rangers, has no effect on their form beyond simply damaging and stunning them temporarily, but they still remain morphed. On top of this, even in the original series EM waves aren’t shown to be a major issue for the Rangers when they fight Magnet Brain, a literal living polarizer with the explicit ability to manipulate EM waves. In fact, he uses them to cause the Ranger’s blasters to misfire and literally strikes the Rangers directly with EM pulses, and no noticeable changes occurred to their morphs. The same thing happened in the comics when Dayne used an EMP to deactivate the Rangers’ Blade Blasters, yet the Rangers themselves held their morphs no problem. 

Finally, the Rangers have been depowered before, but it required very specific methods to do so. The simplest way is just to damage the Power Morpher and Coin with enough force and disrupt Billy’s connection to the Morphin Grid, as seen when Rito Revolto used his lightning attack on the Thunderzords. However, given the numerous powerful opponents Billy has fought without risk of damaging either, it seems reasonable to assume that the Coin and Morpher scale to Billy’s durability; otherwise, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would have ended a lot sooner. Thus, it stands to reason that unless Billy is dealing with an opponent either way out of his league or with an absurdly powerful attack, he won’t need to worry about losing access to his powers this way. Additionally, Adam Park was able to morph with his damaged Morpher and hold his own in a fight, even with an unstable transformation, meaning Billy won’t be completely helpless even in the worst-case scenario. In another instance, the Black Dragon used a sonic frequency attack that destabilized the Rangers’ forms. However, the Rangers immediately resolved this by attacking the source of said frequency. Another, far more potent method was the Black Dragon using Billy’s Power Coin to tap directly into the Morphin Grid and tamper with it. Both methods require the use of a green chaos crystal, a piece of the Morphin Grid which allows for direct access to it. For Chase to replicate these effects, he would need to get his hands on Billy’s Morpher, somehow get a green chaos crystal, and then directly tap into the Morphin Grid, which would cause an immense surge of power that would disable the Coins. Barring the fact that the chaos crystal is not something Chase could just randomly obtain in a fight, he would have to steal Billy’s Morpher right off of his body to even have a shot at it, something that cannot be reasonably achieved in a fight. Even if we give Chase the ultimate benefit of the doubt and say he can somehow acquire an energy crystal and the Power Coin, it’s important to note the Black Dragon was piloted by Lord Drakkon, an alternate universe Tommy Oliver who has extensive experience with the Morphin Grid and Rangers' powers as a whole. That's how he was able to fight off the Rangers so effectively. Chase may be a brainiac, but without similar experience with a multiversal power source, it's unlikely Chase would even learn about the Morphin Grid, let alone what to do with the crystal and Coin in the first place. 

So in summary, we don’t find either of Chase’s primary methods of disabling Billy’s Ranger power plausible, especially when considering the specific circumstances when the Rangers have been depowered.

The Verdicts


(As Lofty is no longer here (more or less), this verdict is outdated, but we are still keeping it for the hard work he has put into this matchup)



Sorry Lab Rats fans, I know you really wanted your win but this wasn’t it. Surprisingly Chase actually stood more of a chance than we thought. Due to the Mighty Med scaling, Chase isn’t that far behind in AP, most notably for Billy in his base. However once Billy gets into his higher forms, there is a clear solid lead. Speed is even closer with Chase even having the lead. Factor in Spike and Chase’s weapons, stats became less important. What really became important is their abilities and how they interact. In that regard, Billy takes it. While Chase had some useful abilities such as his analytical abilities and sense along with him being able to take down Billy’s zord, Billy just had so much more. Combine that with his AP advantage and experience it was only natural that Chase would just eventually be overwhelmed. He is no stranger to this after all as he can quickly get exhausted even from overuse of his own abilities. 

“What about Spike though?” While Spike is “da funny strong man”, he can be quite the detriment in this bout. While he does make Chase stand much more of a chance physically, he ends up making it much easier for Billy to overwhelm him. This is due to the fact that as Spike, Chase does not use any of his other abilities more so opting for brute strength. While this is impressive and can even make him beat Adam, against someone who will still be quite stronger than him it leads to his downfall. Sadly while Chase does much better than what anyone thought and shows that bionics are nothing to scoff at, Billy’s solid AP advantage, wider RANGER of abilities, and lack of an exploitable weakness lets him come out on top.


Random Guy No. 7

“Take mercy on our souls guys, we got swept away by life.”

So first off, even though not a lot of people seemed…for lack of a better word ‘hyped’ for this blog, I’d still like to sincerely apologize for the sheer amount of time it took us to make this. We had our eyes on a LOT of projects that split our focus.

Anyways, when I first went into the research for this Billy vs Chase was just a MU that was sort of vaguely cool but not something I was really invested in as an idea. After doing all this research and discussing various factors of the MU with friends, I’m actually planning a script for it in the future. So needless to say the MU really grew on me. Anyways that’s enough semantics let’s get down into the details.


AP/Dura: 158 Zettatons-19.9 Ninatons (via Rita scaling and scaling to rangers from other series to Sledge) vs 35.31 Zettatons (via scaling to Neptune Rotation feat from Mighty Med)

This means that depending on your views with Rangers scaling to feats from later series, Billy can be anywhere from just 4.5x stronger than Chase, to over 500,000x stronger. Talk about a gap. Now it is worth noting that Chase’s weapon upscales him, as well as Spike who generates a drastic increase in strength compared to regular Chase. However even assuming it was ludicrous enough to catch up to Billy’s high ends, Billy can amp himself too. In fact, the Metallic Armor is such a powerful amp to the rangers that enemies formerly capable of fighting on par with them find themselves clutching their fists at how painful it is to even try damaging them. So it should go without saying that Billy’s AP advantage isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Speed: 21.6 Trillion C vs 29.6 Trillion C (via Chase tagging Bree, who scales to Skylar Storm’s Caldera feat)

So thankfully, the second stat gap isn’t as polarizing as the first. Only being around 1.4x in favor of Chase. The same amplifications can be argued for Spike to upscale this which would make this a primary advantage for the both of them against Billy. However Billy also has a form that amplifies his speed, that being the Ninja Power. While it does sacrifice some of his strength and durability when he is in this form, the speed increase is so drastic that he can even begin to appear as a blur to those who could formerly keep up. This is also without counting the times that Billy’s speed had increased when he’s been angered, like with Goo Fish.

So they’re roughly on par with speed, and Chase can match Billy’s low end AP. 


On paper, it looks like both characters here have abilities in spades with plenty to pull out on the other. However upon further inspection, both have some catches that prevent them from utilizing the full extent of their power kits.

For Billy, it’s the fact that the majority of his innate offensive abilities lie in his Ninja Power form, a state that requires toning down his durability in order to use. This could potentially put him in a bind depending on what end you use for Billy, because if you stick to the low ends and then Ninja Power has to take blows from Spike, naturally that wouldn’t end well. However to this extent I’d say Chase’s drawbacks are far worse.

What are Chase’s drawbacks you ask? Well it’s mentioned higher up in the blog that the usage of two of Chase’s abilities at once causes major strain on the guy, to the extent that he could potentially knock himself out depending on how far he ends up being pushed.

As I’m sure you could imagine, this kind of limitation kinda neuters Chase’s chances…by like a LOT. Whenever the low end of the consequences for using more than one of your abilities at a time is exhausting yourself and leaving yourself open, doesn’t exactly paint the best picture for his victory.

On top of that if you grant Billy his full arsenal with some of his more obscure gadgets, he gains access to EMPs himself, which if you notice in Chase’s weakness section, could majorly fuck him up if they land. And while it may sound a little awkward for Billy to slap a suction cup EMP on the back of a human sized Chase when this is meant for a MECH, he does have teleportation to his advantage. This would mean he could effectively create tons of openings to sneak that in somewhere.

We’ve already gone into detail about how Billy’s morpher is pretty much going untampered with here, in fact if you wanna complain about the Chase hacking the morpher section, you can bug me or Arran about that, since that was one of our big projects for this. But there is in fact something else Chase could hack here…the Zords. But how much would that matter in the long run? Short answer, not at all. Between teleporting, the before mentioned mech EMPs, and Billy’s own ability to just reverse the hack with enough time, not a lot is accomplished for Chase by doing that.

To sum this all up in a primary statement, there really isn’t a lot Chase can do to surprise Billy at all, and there’s downright nothing he can do to overcome the strength difference between them should you use the high ends. Billy is too tough, too smart, and too experienced for the Lab Rat to overcome. The winner in my eyes and hopefully yours after this is Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger.


“Adam, the blog is unfinished. Recruit a team of Death Battle fans with no life.”

So I guess I’m here now, talking about Billy vs Chase for a blog. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve been involved in something like this, and researching the original Mighty Morphin series and Lab Rats has been a blast. Also Lab Rats is great and you should go watch it like right now. 

With that out of the way, this debate between the smartest, cheesiest kids on the block has gone back and forth, so let’s break it down. 

In terms of stats, Billy and Chase are relatively even in AP in base. Billy can scale to planetary feats like Rita causing a solar eclipse. On the other hand, Chase can physically scale to his siblings, namely Adam (seems a bit counterintuitive but they should be generally comparable, and he upscales Adam as Spike anyway), which should let him scale to Mighty Med characters who can reach planet level, such as the Great Defender, who manipulated Neptune’s orbit. This puts Billy about four times stronger than Chase. Not the most ludicrous gap. However, Billy scaling to certain feats from other series, namely Lord Arcanon blowing up Sentai 6 and Sledge moving the Earth (Dino Super Charge) means Billy could go from matching Chase in AP to absolutely dominating the fight. In either scenario, Billy’s taking the AP edge. 

For speed, Chase edges out in this, with his scaling to Bree/Skylar putting him just slightly faster than Billy scaling to Zedd’s trip to the farthest galaxy. That being said, it’s not a large gap at all, and that’s not mentioning Billy’s agility in Ninja Mode and overall stat boost in the Metallic Armor, both of which can help him even the speed difference.

For abilities, Chase absolutely blows Billy out of the water… at first. While Chase certainly has more abilities than base Billy, none of them are terribly detrimental to the latter. The Override App is pointless since Billy doesn’t have bionics; the Magnetism App and Molecular Kinesis both shouldn’t affect Billy too badly (and he can still fight hand-to-hand even if Chase were to use them to disarm Billy), and he’s dealt with reversed polarity before and it was really just an inconvenience at worst; the Power Morpher can’t be hacked as discussed above; super senses won’t help tremendously here; etc. Scanning could help with tracking Billy should he use his ninja powers to move around, but he doesn’t really have a way to take advantage of that detection given that his other abilities wouldn’t really do much. Even some of Chase’s equipment like the destabilizer and zapper just release electricity, something Billy should have no problem defending against. The laser bo and even Spike wouldn’t necessarily be enough to overpower Billy, since he can match the strength boost and also just use his Metallic Armor to compensate. That’s not mentioning that as Spike, Chase loses out on all his other abilities, leaving him more vulnerable to all of Billy’s weapons and abilities.

Speaking of, Billy has various ways to maneuver around the battlefield with his teleportation and Ninja Mode. That’s not mentioning that Billy can use mental manipulation to puppeteer Chase around, meaning he has an actually usable Override App in this scenario. Plus, Chase has a very specific weakness to tech that interrupts his chip’s signal to the rest of his body, which Billy can actually take advantage of with his signal scramblers. Said signal scramblers were potent enough to override a monster’s control over the Zords, so it should have no problem affecting Chase’s chip and even his hacking ability. Also, Chase’s force fields do have limited durability, and given the range of Billy’s AP edge (either slightly or significantly), it wouldn’t be difficult for Billy to overpower the force fields. Of course, Billy’s main drawback here is that he needs to be in Ninja Ranger mode to use most of his abilities, which leaves him less protected than in base. However, he would still have a mobility advantage, meaning Chase still likely wouldn’t be able to land a good hit. 

Shockingly enough, the Zords aren’t a big factor in this fight. Since they’re fully mechanical, Chase can easily hack them and turn them against Billy. That being said, Billy can still take a size advantage with his Ninja Ranger Mode, which Chase doesn’t really have an answer for. 

In terms of skill/experience, Chase does have far more formal training, but Billy’s morph makes him a fighting menace by default, so that isn’t too big an advantage. Hell, with how much Billy has grown since first morphing and all the monsters he’s fought, he arguably holds the experience advantage against Chase. 

In the end, this was pretty close, but when you look at Billy’s strength advantage, counters to Chase’s important abilities, and general skill advantage, I think it’s safe to say that Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger, takes this victory. When you cut to the chase, this Rat’s got the blues

Well that was fun and all (legitimately this was a ton of fun), now I gotta finish binging Mighty Med and survive the rest of the semester. 


I have only two words…

Chase dies.


RIP to the GOAT Jason David Frank

Hiya, it’s the Trash Man. Here to bring the first ever blog from the Ax gang…after so long. You already know the joke, so let’s get to it already.

First of all, let’s talk about general stats. Chase is very easy to figure out. Thanks to its sister series Mighty Med, Chase should be able to scale to feats such as Skylor Storm speed feat of flying to Earth from her home planet of Caldera, which, given reasonable time frames, gets around 29 trillion times the speed of light. And for strength, he should possibly scale above the Great Defender, who can spin a hospital on his finger and slow down Neptune’s rotation, which gets around 35 Zettatons, or around Small Planet. 

Billy on the other hand, has more to talk about. For speed, there is the feat of Zedd flying Serpentera to the reaches of the farthest Galaxy, which gets around 21.9 trillions of times the speed of light, however, he should only scale to this reaction wise, as the Rangers themselves were actually teleported there by Alpha 5, though because of Zedd piloting Serpentera, it should be fine for reaction speed, as for movement speed, we actually moved to the English version of Kamen Rider (No joke), where the main character, Dex, flew from Edenoi to Earth, which is in the Andromeda constellation, which puts it around 34 million times the speed of light for movement speed. As for strength, there are multiple ends you can pull from, ranging from Rita causing a solar eclipse, which gets 158 Zettatons, above, but still similar to Chase. However, higher end feats consists scaling to Lord Arcanon destroying Sentai 6 getting 181 Yottatons and Scaling to Sledge’s ship, which pulled the Earth out of orbit, getting 19.9 Ninatons.

So, while Chase gets a smidge faster, Billy has the AP edge no matter which end you use, and some ends completely obliterate Chase to the point where his abilities don’t really matter. Speaking of, I think Arran covered why the ones that matter pretty well above. So I’m gonna wrap things up.

However, you’re probably asking about the-


That actually hinders Chase, as it sacrifices a lot of his already pretty good advantages for a Strength increase that Billy can not only match even on lower ends, but get around pretty easily through his intelligence and overall fighting skill, or even his higher end stats making it useless.

So in the end, with similar stat ends at lower ends, and the ability to dwarf Chase with higher ends, hax that could actually work on Chase, and greater experience and ability to Eclipse in skill, I believe Blue Ranger Billy will ultimately take it in the end. Now, see ya.


This fight is overall extremely close. But Billy’s slight AP edge and plethora of abilities and gadgets are more than enough to put the bionic brainiac out of commission. Davenport gave Chase. But his chances of winning. Were Spiked downwards.

Team Billy (5): Trashy, Arran867, Random Guy No. 7, Lofty, Adam

Team Chase : 0


We have a lot more blogs on the way, but for now, here’s what comes immediately next


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