Character Analysis: Bete "Betty" Noire (Glitchtale)

“The Pink Trait…A ‘Bete Noire’...The Soul of FEAR!”

Disclaimer: Despite the nature of the character coming from a series based on an already existing property,

this blog will only cover feats from the context of Glitchtale itself for simplicity’s sake. So you won’t be

seeing anything like Universal or MHS based on feats that happen in the events of Undertale, despite those events

happening in the context of Glitchtale. 

Another Disclaimer: This blog will contain spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2 (and eventually 3) of Glitchtale. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you do so, it’s a really good series. If you wish to watch it, click here for the good


But with that out of the way, Let’s get started. Enjoy folks.


“Knowing her time was short, she sacrificed her own soul to create the most powerful and destructive being imaginable”

Over 1000 years ago, Humankind and Monsters lived in peace. However, as most people know, this eventually didn’t last. The two species went at odds with each other in the Human Monster War. Eventually, 7 wizards sealed the Monsters underneath Mount Ebott, where they were to remain, and then may begin the tale you may all be familiar with, but that isn’t the story we’re telling today, for we are exploring the other side of the Barrier. Two of the seven wizards of mention were siblings, Agate and Copper Lightvale, the Souls of Bravery and Determination, who lived alongside their younger sister Amber, who will be important later. After the War, Copper and Agate got into a dispute. Copper wanted to break the barrier and set Monsters free, whereas Agate wanted the opposite. This escalated to the point they fought in a duel over it. Unfortunately for Agate, Copper’s Determination was too much, and he stood victorious. Humiliated with the loss, Agate was robbed of her Bravery, and she exiled herself. But that isn’t where this ends. Agate, wishing to have her dream seen through, used forbidden magic to invert her Soul Trait in order to beat out Determination. Eventually, she reunited with her siblings and demanded a rematch. This clash eventually led to the now insane Agate murdering her younger sister Amber in cold blood, before killing Copper and announcing her victory. She couldn’t enjoy it for long though, as Agate’s body could not handle the spell she cast upon herself, and as a result, was dying. So she took Amber's corpse and merged her soul with it to finish the spell and create the monster that would lie in wait for 1000 years before awakening to make sure Humans and Monsters will never live in peace, the Soul of Fear, the Bete Noire.



Betty’s companion and other half of a symbiotic relationship, this little guy is base form Betty’s

main way of combat, capable of many forms through it’s shapeshifting abilities:


Betty’s own form of a veritable army, these blobs can form almost anywhere and vary in size, from being small blobs

to being able to tower over buildings. They are used to snatch souls so Betty can feed on their magic They are capable of shapeshifting and regeneration,though sufficient damage will cause them to disappear.

When corrupted by HATE, Kumulings can even possess people and control their body like a puppet

Soul Summons

Should Betty have any Monster souls consumed, she can imbue them with HATE and remake their bodies out of

magic to serve as extra help if she’s ever in a pinch. However, she cannot do this with humans, as she cannot replicate

physical matter.

Spear of Fear

One of Betty’s signature weapons, this javelin is a weapon she uses for good old stabbing purposes.

It is capable of skewering the soul right out of one's body, and is even capable of forming it

into a string so she can call back said collected soul.


A vial of the substance known as HATE, a physical manifestation of the emotion it’s named from. After consuming

HATE, Betty gains enhancements to her stats and attacks, even giving her better regeneration. Though consuming HATE comes with a massive drawback, as it is sentient, with a mind and plan of its own,

and actively tries to corrupt and consume Betty. 


Fused Betty

After a decisive loss against Frisk, Betty decides to step up her game and fuse with Akumu to form a more

monstrous appearance. This form not only makes her stronger and faster, and gives some of Akumu’s abilities

onto herself. (See Abilities)


Should the Bete Noire perish or should the HATE in her body grows strong enough through overuse,

it will consume her and continue to exist as a new being, capable of making a city wide dome and

using other Soul trait’s magic, such as Chara’s Special Hell, it also produces a serrated broadsword in its most stable form.


Mind Reading

Betty has the ability to peer into one’s mind and see their negative emotions and memories.

This in particular is used in combination with her other abilities to wield them more effectively.

Fear Hallucinations

Her bread and butter and go to ability, Betty can put people under hypnotic trances as she makes people

experience their worst fears brought to life as well as general illusions with the target having the inability to discern reality from fiction.


In her fused state, Betty has the ability to change her arms into various weapons and forms, such as

enlarging her fist, extending her fingers, and forming blades, scythes and shields.


Betty has the ability to heal minor wounds, and HATE enhances this to a major degree, healing entire limbs or even all of her skin after it’s been burned off at the cost of HATE corrupting her slightly more.


In her Fused state, Betty can fire high speed triangle shaped projectiles that explode on contact

Fire Magic

Due to her previous nature as a Soul of Bravery, the Bete Noire has access to Fire Magic, being able to

create or manipulate flames.


One of Betty’s most powerful spells. Requiring a lot of magic to pull off, this special attack unleashes a shockwave

that places any magical constructs in its vicinity under the Black Beast’s control, with the original user of

said constructs having no way of recalling them, though it does not prevent them from summoning more.

Soul Draining

As shown above, Betty has the ability to drain souls of their magic, this can consist of her grabbing

your soul to drain it herself or absorbing previously absorbed souls of their magic collected from the Kumulings.



  • Fought evenly with Copper Lightvale during her time as Agate Lightvale, both of whom were

instrumental in the Human Monster War.
  • Manipulated high figures in the world of monsters and humans, such as Jessica Gray and W.D Gaster

  • Caused a city wide panic, leading to a massive magic based lockdown to contain her and her Kumulings

  • Has possibly hundreds of kills under her belt

  • Overpowered Mettaton NEO, Grillby, and Muffet, then going onto defeat Asgore and Toriel

  • Defeated W.D Gaster in combat

  • Can fight off HATE corrupting her body for long periods of time

  • Implied that she could easily beat LV 19 Frisk in a fight

  • Killed the funny skeleton man

  • Twice




  • Given her forms grant her better regeneration and stats, should be capable of surviving this (2.27 tons)

  • Can tank hits from Papyrus, who’s Special Attack did this (60 tons)

  • No sold having her skin incinerated before regenerating

  • Took a beating from Undyne the Undying

  • HATE took this explosion, and while it technically is the thing that ultimately killed it, HATE was able to try

and keep fighting afterwards before it gave in


The Black Beast is strong, but anything but infallible. While she can take a beating, her regeneration can only last for so long and enough brute force can eventually overtax it, and also gives more opportunity

for HATE to attempt to take over her body. She also has a limited magic supply, relying on draining

souls to increase or replenish it, and some of her biggest spells require plenty of stored up magic.

There’s also the fact that even her own creator abuses the shit out of her

Possible Opponents

Bog (Rock Hard Gladiator):

This matchup is my overall favorite for Betty. Thematics are simple, but work, and one even establishes a major part

of her creator’s history with RHG. Even as an animation, this hits every base that I want in a Betty fight.

It can properly incorporate her illusions, and can even have wacky mind tricks used against her, which could lead to incredible illusion scenes. With both of their regeneration and how potent both of theirs is

compared to her other opponents, you can go all in on the gore for the brutal fight these two are built for.

I can’t get over how cool this matchup is, but to end it here, my favorite for both, end of story.

Metallix (Super Mario Bros Z):

This one is probably my favorite alt, thematics are a little wonky but it holds a special place in my heart.

As a fight it could easily make a cool and brutal fight between them, with Metallix’s ruthless fighting style and Betty’s

more varied arsenal. I also wrote a 50+ page script on it, so go check that out when you can.

Spinel (Steven Universe): 

This one isn’t very great objectively, but it’s kinda funny and had to acknowledge it because of this:

(This is official art from Camilla btw)

DIO (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure): 

This matchup is weirdly thematic and has some neat power interactions, but all things considered,

I think it’s more on the boring side. The connections apply to Agate rather than Betty herself, and doesn’t really play into

some of Betty’s more interesting powers. But overall, it’s an okay idea I guess.

Sinestro (DC):

To quote a certain Homestuck fan:

Closing Statement (and Post Analysis surprise):

This was a lot of fun to do, so I’m not gonna stop here, so click here for a special blog-gy surprise. So stay tuned for that in the future.

And with that goodbye, hope you enjoyed this fun little project.


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