Mr. Freeze vs Amelia Hughes (DC vs Infinity Train) | Axpire VS Blogs


“It is important to feel the anger without judging it, without attempting to find meaning in it. It may take many forms: anger at the health-care system, at life, at your loved one for leaving. Life is unfair. Death is unfair. Anger is a natural reaction to the unfairness of loss.” 

-Elisabeth Kubler Ross

Doctor Victor Fries, Gotham’s Sorrowful Scientist in the Snow

Amelia Hughes, the False Conductor of the Infinity Train

The loss of a loved one is always a time of sorrow and despair for everyone, and everyone copes with it in many different ways. Unfortunately, not everyone deals with it in a healthy manner. Some are always trapped in that stage of denial, holding on to the hope that maybe…just maybe, they could bring them back. That’s how these two roll, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. Here at Axpire, we’re here to discuss…who would win? Also, don’t forget to message either Adam天 or Trashy in the Death Battle Judgement Discord if you want to participate in the next blog!

Before we start…

The Infinity Train

Given the specific requirements of this fight and its setting (The Infinity Train, as Amelia cannot fight outside of it), Freeze will only have what should be considered a hard standard, so there are some things he will not be given access to that would require prep time or access to his lab.

The Infinity Train itself is located in a completely separate dimension from Earth, containing an "infinite" amount of cars which all contain a literal pocket universe inside with different environments in all shapes and sizes, with each car themselves that so happen to be 5 stories tall. Once a passenger gets abducted by the Infinity Train they are immediately put to sleep. Each passenger is given a number as soon as they board the train. With a set amount of numbers they currently hold, they cannot leave the train whatsoever unless their number is at a zero. Numbers play the morality game, the worse you do, the higher the number. The better, the lower, and since both combatants are well, not so great people generally speaking, it's no surprise that their numbers will be really, really high….

And with the aforementioned battle set, Amelia will be at her prime when she was The False Conductor, giving her access to controlling the train itself; the cars of the Infinity Train can move independently when needed by literally climbing on top of other cars and race at stupidly fast speeds to their designated spots despite their massive sizes. 


Mr. Freeze

"You beg? In my nightmares I see Nora behind the glass, begging to me with frozen eyes! How I'd like to see that look… frozen on you."

As a child, Victor Fries was always fascinated by the idea of cryogenic preservation. His initial tests on animals were… not received well by his parents, who shoved him into a Reform School and effectively abandoned him. There, it was nothing but a string of bullying and harassment, leaving Victor absolutely miserable. However, a silver lining came during his college years, when he met a young lady named Nora. Ultimately, he marries her and they lived a wonderful life together… yeah of course it wasn't going to end like that.

Nora Fries had come down with an incurable disease, at least at the time. This gave Victor the idea to test the idea of cryogenic freezing, and began working on a Freeze Ray that could put her in suspended animation until a cure could be made. Batman finds this out and actually tries to help him, and everything seemed to go well until it came time to put Nora into suspended animation. Victor's boss interrupts and tempers with the experiment, causing an explosion that kills Nora and leaves Victor in critical condition. The only way he was left to survive is by keeping himself in a cryogenic suit that prevents him from essentially burning to death. He swore revenge on those responsible and (in the Post-Crisis Continuity) becomes Batman's first supervillain, Mr. Freeze.

To rub salt into the wound, Mr. Freeze actually did find a way to bring Nora back utilizing the Lazarus Pit. She however came back very, very wrong and estranged herself from Victor due to what happened. Ouch, that's cold.

Amelia Hughes

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll be on this train forever. Numbers don’t just go down. They go up.”

Life wasn’t too out of the ordinary for one Amelia Hughes. Despite her talent for technology not being appreciated at school, it was there she met the love of her life, Alrick Timmens. The two hit it off and all seemed to go well, until tragedy struck and Alrick lost his life. Absolutely distraught with grief, she greeted the roof of the university they graduated from. Her pleas for something that could reunite her with Alrick led to the whoosh of an engine and the arrival of a train. While the train and its conductor, One, had good intentions and wanted to have Amelia find the right answer to her problem, she wasn’t wanting the right answer, she wanted Alrick.

Amelia saw the wonders of the train and figured this was how she could reunite with the love of her life, but that was not what she needed and the train would not provide. She took matters into her own hands, and forcefully usurped One for control over the Infinity Train. For the next couple of decades, she would try in desperate vain to recreate the life she had with Alrick, but failing every time, always creating a weird amalgamation of turtles and universities. Her number on the train grew and grew until it covered her body, and she was likely never to leave the train ever again, but if she could only make the perfect car to represent her permanent life, she wouldn’t need to care. Her life as The False Conductor had dangerously impacted the train and the people inhabiting it.

It took the actions of the Perennial Child Tulip Olsen and the amnesiac One-One to finally stop her, to make her realize that this was never going to work, and forcing her to atone for her sins by trying to fix the damage she caused. However, even after being usurped, her damage was potentially irreversible. A cult formed in her absence, bowing to the “true” conductor, and she attempted to knock some sense into them to little avail. Although, they did have a child named Hazel, with a weird power to become a turtle-like creature. Seeing this as another one of her mistakes, she takes the child and presumably would’ve gone to find an explanation for her existence. Whatever could’ve come from that, we will likely never know…


Mr. Freeze

Freeze Gun

Freeze’s trademark weapon, this device of his has held many different shapes and sizes over the years from being around the size of a handgun (as shown above), to around the size of an actual machine gun. I’m sure you cold guess what the primary function is by name alone.

Freeze Grenades

Just what the name implies.  These are grenades that unleash a blast of freezing energy upon detonation.  Said blasts are also quite powerful, able to blow a hole through a building. He doesn’t always carry them, but he has used them a few times in both the comics and the Arkham games.


Very much a more ironic option for him to wield given his name being Mr. FREEZE, but he has used this for whatever reason.  Nothing really special about it honestly, it kinda just does anything you’d expect a flamethrower to do.

Freeze Gas

Scarecrow isn’t Batman’s only enemy to use a spray gas ya know.  Foes like Joker and Poison Ivy have their own signature sprays… and so does Freeze apparently. At first it seems like it would only be used as an alternative version to the freeze gun, but this comes with an extra bonus.  Because it’s a gas, it can be inhaled… which Freeze has abused to kill people in some really cruel methods like freezing them from the inside. That’s more than a bit chilling I’d say.

Ice Bacteria

Fun little story: One day Mr. Freeze got fed up with the world being a dying one, and didn’t want his wife to wake up in it. Being the reasonable guy that he is, he decided to unleash a deadly virus that would freeze everything and induce necrosis (basically a method of killing bodily organs and tissue by cutting off blood flow). It would’ve worked as well if Batman didn’t use plot armor an immunization on himself to somehow stop the spread.

Cryo Suit

A very cool suit designed that basically acts as Freeze’s life support.  It constantly keeps his body at below 0 temperatures which is mandatory to survive, and acts as the power supply for his freeze gun. While earlier models were vulnerable to things like sniper rounds, his current version has been designed to be bulletproof, fireproof, acid proof, and resilient against explosions.  


False Conductor Armor

During her time after hijacking the train, Amelia decided to construct something that would intimidate others from just her more threatening voice and its presence alone. Her conductor armor is crafted from, assumingly, her own passenger pod that Amelia came in when she first got on the train. The main pod acts as a cockpit and with built-in transmissions so Amelia can give orders to her Stewards on the go. A massive robotic suit isn't without incredible strength, as it's strong enough to punch a hole through a sheet of metal with ease.


As the assistant to The Conductor, The Steward acts specifically on her orders, usually for destructive purposes. These machines are mounted with machine guns hidden behind their masks and the nuzzles come out of the eye holes when engaged. The tentacles allow for a long reach, so it is quite useful whether to grab an object or hurt an object. They can also coil around Amelia to carry her around and act as a potential shield. The individual fingers at the end can even be used to quickly hack into the train and remove orbs. What are orbs? Well…


The Orbs are an essential part to Amelia’s arsenal and the Infinity Train itself. They dictate the rules of physics that each car follows and also dictate what goes inside each car. If a certain one is removed, gravity could become inverted, objects can blip out of existence, or numerous other effects can occur due to its removal. These orbs also serve as potential ammo for Amelia’s Cannon.

Light Cannon

Speaking of which, here is said cannon. It can contain orbs and use the properties of those orbs to turn any object into the object the orbs contained. Though it has only been shown animate objects into other animate objects and inanimate objects into other inanimate objects, it's still a widely useful tool in Amelia's arsenal.


As the False Conductor, Amelia has the privilege to use a set up of computers and monitors located in the Infinity Train’s first car, the Engine. The computers have a staggering degree of control over the train. They are able to create new trains, move train cars around, and it keeps track of everyone currently residing inside the train and their numbers, along with many other unseen functions.

Number Tracker

The number tracker is a handheld tablet Amelia carries around with her, which allows her to track any one in any nearby car by showing said passengers' number on the screen whether it's high or low.

Belted Sound Shield

A shield around Amelia's waist that protects her by emitting a wave of sound. If hit hard enough, the shield will send the offensive force flying away from it and its wearer. Can be pushed through if enough force is applied.

Memory Tapes

Every being who enters the Infinity Train has the entirety of their memories stored within a tape. This tape, when inserted into a screen and viewed by the individual, can trap the person inside their own memories. It can be escaped if you are able to acknowledge what went wrong, but for those with a lot less acceptance would require outside assistance.


You never know when you need just a good ‘ol shovel for whackin’!

Functions of the “Infinity Train”

While we already discussed how this fight will take place on the train, and this being Amelia in her prime, we will discuss what the train actually does. So below are a list of functions that Amelia can access as conductor.


Mr. Freeze


Despite his main method for freezing people being through technology he’s created, Mr. Freeze is still capable of the stuff without his tech.  This is because he uh… “bathed” in some cryo chemicals which drastically altered his biology.  His cells can now capture the cold around him and store it, causing his body to constantly remain at 23 degrees fahrenheit (Or if you're a nerd, 268.15 degrees kelvin).  Because of this, he can freeze anything simply by touching it whether it's an inanimate object or a living being.  Also, while he prefers to avoid close ranged brawls, he can enhance his strikes by covering his arms in ice, should he be forced to fight up close.      

Decelerated Aging

With his new biology, Freeze’s cells have also rapidly slowed down or even possibly halted his aging altogether.  The reason for this is because the chemicals that changed his biology are the same chemicals used for Cryostasis, which halts the process of aging. I’m sure that’s quite ice for him, especially considering how long he’s been at this.


Freeze is no mere frigid scientist, but is in fact a genius with tech that’s been compared to the likes of Lex Luthor.  His inventions seem to constantly improve and catch Batman by surprise, and some of them have reached absurd levels in what they’ve done.  While he may also not be known for being a fighter, Freeze is a brilliant strategist and tactician, constantly finding ways to outplay opponents through exploiting weaknesses or finding patterns in fighting styles.     



Amelia didn’t get to overcoming the original conductor through sheer dumb luck. Her immense knowledge over engineering, including things such as making her own crystal radio, is what allows her to know so much about the intricacies of the Train. Her intelligence can also bleed into her good use of manipulation, such as how she was able to get One’s trust before betraying him and how she was able to get Samantha to work for her.


Mr. Freeze







  • Was the conductor of the Infinity Train for over 30 years

  • Tore Simon Laurent a new one with just her words

  • Able to psychologically manipulate The Cat, who has been around the train for centuries

  • Is ridiculously buff like dayum





Mr. Freeze


Being serious though, while Freeze is a genius who’s gotten the best of Batman on multiple occasions, he’s also prone to some of the dumbest weaknesses the writers can think of.  Freeze’s chill biology may give him it’s own advantages, but who woulda guessed that the guy whose body sits at freezing cold temperatures has a weakness to heat.  While his suit is able to help deal with this issue, it’s not invulnerable and has been damaged and destroyed on multiple occasions.  However, Freeze’s biggest weakness is arguably his own frosty personality.  For as many times that he’s shown to remain calm and focused in battle, he’s also just as many times shown to be a madman who just does whatever he wants for no real reason.  He’s also extremely determined to save his wife, which while admirable, has caused him to at times ignore what's around him.  


Amelia is certainly a capable combatant, but she isn't too much of a direct fighter. She mostly lets her Stewards and presence as the False Conductor do the work and while that works on most occasions, it isn't going to work entirely in a VS scenario. She also occasionally does more impulsive actions if forced into a corner, but aside from that she doesn't have too many exploitable weaknesses.


Mr. Freeze

"Mercy? I'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy."


  • Far stronger and tougher with or without scaling

  • Should be solidly faster even without Black Canary scaling

  • Has numerous ways to one shot from a distance or up close

  • Freeze Gas and Ice Bacteria are annoyingly difficult if not impossible to defend against

  • Is extremely likely to just freeze Amelia from the inside, bypassing her durability

  • Variety of weapons make him extremely difficult to predict

  • Natural cryomancy could maybe give him a counter to the shield

  • Likely has more experience in combat

  • Arguably smarter at his peak

  • Pretty much all of his animated incarnations are great

  • His Arkham City boss theme

  • The ice puns are iconic 

  • Was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger 


  • Could maybe be argued similar in speed if strict with scaling

  • Stewards could potentially give him trouble, assuming he doesn’t just aoe them

  • Depending on the orbs, could potentially be put in a problematic position

  • Could get entirely screwed over in certain cars, though the odds of it happening are likely random

  • Is extremely unlikely to catch Amelia by surprise

  • Just entering the train could have his powers removed

  • Long ranged weapons get nullified by the shield and his ice in particular has shown to be weak against sound

  • Could potentially go for a risky move if he becomes psychopathic enough, unlikely as it is

  • In the event he finds something that he believes could help save his wife, he will completely tunnel vision on it, which could leave him open.

  • Half of his designs just… kinda suck

  • His LEGO Batman boss fight is actually awful

  • Is an alternate skin for Captain Cold in Injustice 2, therefore he’s stuck in bottom tier

  • Iconic as they are, the ice puns aren’t all that great


“Have you ever considered that you were wrong? Hah, of course not! You’re a child.”


  • Numbers advantage due to the potential for many stewards at a time.

  • Far more experience with the train itself, meaning she would be used to most things within it.

  • Can manipulate the train, and would know how to far better than Victor, letting her potentially lead him to a desert or hotter climate.

  • More level-headed in all scenarios.

  • Victor going through the process of boarding the train would give her access to his memories

  • Memory Tapes can trap Freeze within his own mind, giving Amelia the time to pull off a victory. If Freeze ends up not wanting to escape, he will permanently be stuck within his own mind…

  • Sound-Based Shield would explicitly counter Victor’s freeze gun in particular.

  • Would never be caught by surprise considering the home field advantage.

  • Several ways to kill Victor, either through the train itself or the Light Cannon which Victor has no resistances to.

  • The Infinity Train automatically atomizes non-human particles once a passenger enters. This would remove Freeze’s bacteria and his cryogenic abilities outright.

  • Was able to get over her life-ruining relationship issue.

  • Her theme. (Really just the whole soundtrack in general)

  • Is from Infinity Train.


  • Significant disadvantage in Strength and Durability.

  • Far slower even if you don’t buy the Black Canary feat.

  • Victor’s ice AoE would still likely screw her over even with the sound shield.

  • Neither the False Conductor suit nor the Stewards have shown any resistance to ice, so the aforementioned AoE would instantly destroy them.

  • Though she is smart, is not quite AS smart as Victor.

  • …but Freeze can potentially escape the Memory Tape if he has a strong enough desire to.

  • Shield is completely countered by any physical force Victor could try considering the AP Gap, including his instant kill potential of freezing her solid.

  • Has no counter to Freeze Gas or Ice Bacteria, as those would likely bypass the shield on account of being an airborne gas as opposed to solid ice.

  • The Shovel is useless (Zad)

  • Br*tish.

  • Is from Infinity Train.


Yeah baby we got a motherfucking FIGHT for all of y’all this time, courtesy of the person writing this right now (Dick with a “D”). Be warned though because as a fight script, the winner of this blog will be spoiled rotten, so it would be best to read the verdicts first before taking a look. Make sure there is an absolute zero chance of you getting spoiled, alright?

Here is that fight.


Dick with a “D”

“I am responsible for every ice pun.”

As far as I’m ever going to be on blogs for the foreseeable future, I don’t quite think I’ll ever be able to work on a more peak matchup than this. Victor Fries VS Amelia Hughes is one of my favorite matchups of all time (I did the script for a reason). I adore the thematics, the animation and dialogue potential, the amazing music ideas I have, the entirety of the debate, and it just being 2 of my favorite fictional villains ever facing off in a chilling battle for the ages. On the topic of said debate, I’ve been thinking this over the entire time but I have ultimately come to the conclusion that Victor Fries would win, and here is why.

Well I might as well start with the question of how the fight would work to begin with. VS relies on neutral territory to make matches as fair as possible but since the fight is required to take place on the Infinity Train so Amelia can do anything, it seems to give her a ton of advantages but I’m not so inclined to believe a couple of them. It’s gonna require a teensy weensy bit of fanfiction so bear with me. Adam later on makes a really good point about how the Infinity Train brings people in at their lowest emotionally and how Amelia could know everything about Victor due to how Memory Tapes work. However, there isn’t really any evidence that Amelia ever actually checked out the Passenger Preparation Car during her time as the Conductor so I have doubt she would actually have THAT much knowledge on good ‘ol Mr. Freeze. As for Victor’s emotional state, I don’t think it’s that much of a factor since he’s usually able to fight perfectly fine even in an emotionally wrecked state. This does lead into another thing however, which is how Victor is able to get his equipment when for the most part no one is able to take weapons into the Infinity Train. Does this even include his suit? Well no, characters are able to keep clothing and equipment when they get on the train, as shown by Tulip being able to keep a notebook and pencil when she was brought onto the train. This means Victor should be allowed to keep their hard standard stuff such as we described in his arsenal section. Even if he wasn’t, his intellect being comparable to supergenius inventors such as Lex Luthor gives credit to the idea that Victor can make his own equipment within the resources of the train. I also highly doubt that the train can remove Victor’s condition or his powers since they are a part of him. Therefore, I have no issue believing that there isn’t any true restriction on what Victor has outside one-time items should we go by the standard of having a neutral battleground.

Onto tertiary factors. Both have decades of experience and are scientific geniuses, though Victor being compared to Lex Luthor is something I unfortunately cannot say is something Amelia can stack up to. Victor is also just straight up an actual fighter, which Amelia has not shown often to do in direct situations. Amelia does certainly have a numbers advantage, though not by much. There is 1 specific steward that we know exists who helps Amelia, and although we know there used to be more stewards (Including a Reddit AMA confirming one had 50 tentacles), we don’t know of their whereabouts and I am (admittedly just) assuming that they were destroyed in the 30 years Amelia took over the train. However 2 heads are still better than one which means Amelia does get a nice advantage there. Amelia does also have an advantage in being a levelheaded person in tough situations, something Victor lacks the majority of the time.

Moving onto abilities and hax, both are surprisingly evenly matched. Victor’s best hax comes with the Freeze Gas and Ice Bacteria, which could potentially end the fight the second Amelia comes into contact with them. Though let’s be fair, even the idea of Cryokinesis has some innate haxiness (Is that what we’re calling it?) to it, since it can immobilize opponents, slow breathing, and generally affect your opponents even when not explicitly used for fatal combat. On Amelia’s end you have the train itself and its infinite possibilities. Amelia would have dozens of years to know about the train, something Victor drastically lacks, which means Amelia has a ton of opportunities to screw Victor over with things like manipulating the orbs, denizens, or just the train itself if the natural properties are dangerous (Any sort of hot car particularly can be used to give a heavy advantage to Amelia, though Victor having a… whatever the fuck you saw in the Abilities section can mitigate that to an extent). Amelia also has the light cannon which allows her to basically use a highly powerful means of transmutation, one shot and Victor is done. Either that, or Amelia could use it to negate any of his pure weaponry like his Freeze Gun, Freeze Grenades, or Flamethrower (Why does he have that?). In addition, her sound shield negates Victor’s Freeze Gun and Grenades, as his ice is shown to be weak to sound (Though it wouldn’t negate the Gas or Bacteria since those don’t act like his usual ice). There is also the possibility of Amelia utilizing Victor’s Memory Tape against him but that would require a way to make him see it which I find to be fairly unlikely considering the circumstances, but that said it is yet another thing Amelia has over Victor. When it comes to comparing their hax, it is insanely close and I think Amelia could even potentially win with the Sound Shield + Light Cannon + Help from the Steward in an Equal Stats scenario…

…but this isn’t Equal Stats, is it?

What made me side Victor in the end was the ginormous stat advantage. Comparing Victor’s Strength to Amelia’s Durability (The Power Source of the Freeze Gun to… well Amelia doesn’t have any calculable durability feats so we’ll put Lake being slammed into a Wall as the highest point of Wall Level to be generous) is an astounding 380,000 times difference! Comparing the flipside (Victor’s Durability and Amelia’s Strength) is a bit better if we compare the infamous Bat Crater to the Stewards Self-Destruct. It only comes to a… 417 times gap. Yeah. Speed is a lot closer but even if you don’t buy the Black Canary feat, scaling to Katana makes him over 2 times faster than the Light Cannon, and nearly 6.9 (nice) times faster than Amelia herself. If you buy the Black Canary feat the numbers change to over 4 and more than 13 respectively. With this large speed gap, Victor would easily find out his freeze gun isn’t going to work and will likely try the Freeze Gas instead (Which would). His sheer strength and AoE (his ice has been able to create giant castles and freeze all of Gotham) would also shut down both the False Conductor suit and the Stewards (Even assuming Amelia can somehow call upon all of the Stewards we haven’t seen) which negates Amelia in even more ways.

Ultimately, while Amelia has a ton of potential advantages and ways to win, Victor’s ginormous stat advantage nullifies that while also giving Victor’s own win-cons a higher likelihood of happening. It was not an ice way to go, but Amelia just wasn’t trained enough to handle this cold-hearted fighter. The Winner is Mr. Freeze.


"Are you ready? 'Cause I'm gonna put on a show"

I'll try to keep mine short and sweet. As time went on, Amelia Vs Freeze as a match-up has been growing in popularity the last time I've ever heard of or thought of it, which was almost more than a year ago now. Hell, just searching up Amelia, you'll find fan-made thumbnails in the wild related to this awesome match-up. I'm really glad I was able to be part of such a debate like this and it's been an honor working with everyone here, especially when it has fucking Infinity Train involved of all things and I highly recommend it it's such a great show. It's kinda(?) close depending on whatever you buy in versus terms. But enough geeking around, who would really win?? 

I've been switching back and forth between the two and I can safely say I'm sticking with Victor. With the shown feats above it shouldn't be shocking that Victor would have the easy edge in terms of physical power with or without scaling. Victor's capable of dishing out with the likes of Batman, Clayface, Red Hood, etc, while Amelia triumphs over jobbers like Lake and Simon (aside from speed of course). They're both strikingly similar in speed although Freeze should arguably be much faster and with that, he shouldn't have any trouble dodging Amelia's light cannons if he isn't too distracted.

The intelligence factor between the two isn't too big of a gap. Oh wait, heh, who am I kidding?? Amelia may be stupid smart. Straight up outsmarting a multi-century old cat, but not so much compared to someone who's intellect has been compared to Lex fucking Luther of all people. Yipes.

In all honesty, the only advantages Amelia has are in numbers and manipulating the environment, but even the cars she can call upon and whenever they're already in battle, there's a huge chance that whatever car they're entering will be at random. The Stewards themselves would mainly serve as a distraction and would only buy Amelia some time before they're eventually destroyed by Victor's nasty AOE being capable of not just one shotting Stewards but also Amelia. Oh! Almost forgot to mention Amelia's shield belt. It's only advantage is negating Freeze's ice blasts and constructs but of course there's the cons like, uhh, freeze gas, ice bacteria, and his overall blunt force (literally his fists can just rip her shield apart like wet paper) since even though the sound shield passively nullifies damage, it's only shown to have defended against Simon, and only Simon's kicks. Although Simon downscales from Tuba, he's still significantly weaker, and Victor has already shown tons of feats that already range from building to even multi-city block without any preparation or amps. Okay yeah I lied about how close it was, Amelia and her Stewards stand no freakin' chance lmao. That being said, on a train to nowhere, it's only a matter of time till Mr. Freeze will gift the False Conductor an inevitable state of hyperthermia

The Winner is Mr. Freeze


To get straight to the point, I believe Amelia has what it takes to win this battle. When comparing both characters, Amelia and Freeze have a wide array of ways to keep themselves in the fight long enough to pull out a victory. However, I believe that this leans towards the former Conductor’s favor. For starters, I’ll compare their stats. There’s no point dancing around it but if things were to get into a hand to hand confrontation, Amelia does lack the physicals needed to successfully harm Freeze on her own. This being made harder by the fact that close contact with her opponent could wind up with her as an ice sculpture. This is where the most important stat is compared: Speed. While I personally do have issues with the Wonder Woman feat, due to her being a herald by nature, I will agree that Freeze has the speed edge. Freeze is around over 6 times faster than Amelia would be. With this said, I do think they are close enough for Amelia to be able to react to his attacks.

With this being said it is time to compare abilities and tech. This requires us to examine the context behind a fight with Amelia. She already has the home field advantage on the train, having been there for decades and having been the Conductor for a similar amount of time as well. She knows the ins and outs and especially how to get around. She can put distance between herself and Freeze with her stewards. The Stewards should definitely upscale herself in speed, and with the potential for numerous ones on hand, she can keep Freeze on the backfoot when it comes to actually catching up with her. Similarly, she can use these Stewards to easily move herself through the train at high speeds. This is something she regularly does when moving through train cars, or after she’s finished her job in said car. I imagine a fight where she’d need to survive could warrant this type of strategy. As for the train itself, there’s no reason Amelia can’t manipulate the train cars Victor is in to his detriment. This can range from changing the weather, location, or any other aspects. The major examples could be throwing Victor into a desert or reversing gravity to make things harder for him.

While this requires either being in the main train car, she can also do so via Stewards or accessing the orbs herself. These orbs also play a role in giving her a more direct way of dealing with Freeze. The Light Cannon. When fueled by orbs, this cannon will transmutate whatever target it hits into whatever the orb represents. An example of this would be if she turned Freeze into a Ghom, or a dog. Freeze would have to avoid getting hit by these blasts at all costs, as a single stray shot would be game over. This goes for whatever item he’s using at the time as well. Speaking of weapons…

There’s a big part to this fight that pushes Amelia even further towards victory. The way the Infinity Train works is by bringing you at your lowest emotionally. There’s no prep time and you are brought with what you have on hand. On the other end of this spectrum, Amelia would know about Freeze. For Freeze to be on this train means he had to have gone through the process of having his memories recorded, as is standard during the train procedures. This advantage provides Amelia with an insight to Freeze’s origins, abilities, and gear beforehand or even accessed during the fight. It also means that if she has his tape on hand, which is likely, she could use this tape to trap Freeze on his own memories by playing a recording, or extracting them from his brain directly (which is a dangerous way of going about it). Putting him in this “Genjutsu-type” mind trap might actually work to pacify Freeze. Him being trapped with his wife forever in his memories, giving him back the one thing he wants so dearly. Aside from that bittersweet ending, this memory reading also keys her into his weaknesses, which as said before she can capitalize on. So what does no prep mean for Victor’s gear?

It means it will severely limit the arsenal you can argue for Freeze. While there is some assumption to what he’d actually have on hand. It’d most likely be solely his suit and freeze gun. They’re things he literally cannot live without, and would likely have on 24/7 (Emphasis on literally since he’d die without the suit). This renders more absurd weapons mute, hence why his equipment is more barren than you would expect.  More into his gear, there is a glaring weakness for his freezing weapons. They are weak to sound. Amelia’s sound barrier would do wonders in assisting with staving off and destroying ice constructs that Freeze would make. However, it should be noted that it would be easy for Freeze to potentially just shatter the shield if he got close enough, since his physical stats are higher than what the shield can survive.

One final thing of note. Due to the Train’s nature of atomizing non-human particles on entry, you can fully argue that Freeze’s bacteria would be affected. If so, this would render him powerless aside from his gear. It would make getting close to him far easier in terms of not being frozen by his presence, and make Amelia’s win-cons that much easier to employ. It should also be noted, that many of these methods are usable from the safety of the main train car, since her Stewards can do these for her. So if you really wanted to you could argue her pulling an Iron man and not being there in the first place, or taking the train car Freeze is in and just chucking it to the end of the train to never see him again.

With these aspects in mind, I believe that Amelia would take this high diff. Despite being one shot by her opponent, Amelia’s win-cons never relied on that. Both are incredibly smart, but despite his intuition, Freeze’s intelligence can only do him so much good in a place he’s never been or had experience with. Compare that to Amelia’s heavy arsenal on standby, her ways of getting past his durability entirely, and her knowledge on Freeze… and I think it’s an ice cold checkmate in Amelia Hughes’ favor.

“Formerly Darth… now just Daal”

I would like to take a moment to say that this MU is great, not only giving Mr. Freeze an idea that isn’t just Marvel filler, but also giving focus on an underrated as hell series like Infinity Train. (Please watch it, it’s peak.)

Now as to who I think wins, I’ll admit I’m going off the majority but due to the unique nature and complexity of this MU’s debate, it was tough for a while to fully side with one or the other. Now however, I can safely say I believe Victor takes the W. It’s clear that Freeze has the stat edge by a great margin, and despite previous thoughts, has ways to bypass Amelia’s main defensive options that otherwise would have been bothersome. There’s nothing necessarily stopping Freeze from overpowering the Sound Shield with his AP edge, and even if he couldn’t, his Freeze gas and bacteria should have no issues. Amelia’s number edge, while noticeable, doesn’t matter much as Victor can simply AOE and destroy them, and ultimately deny Amelia the time needed to deal with him, such as transmuting him with the orb cannon or attempting to trap him with the memory tapes. Things do get confusing once you take into account Amelia’s control over the train, and the vast nearly infinite ways the battle could turn into her favor. Key word being “could” however, as the train is random in nature and assuming everything would go exactly right for her is going into hypothetical territory, and even with it, the stat edge puts a huge damper on things.

No puns, screw y’all.
Mr. Freeze Wins


I don’t care if this song fits the mu, I just really like Saimatsu

So this is my first blog I got to help work on, and I’m honestly really happy that it was a match-up like this.  Mr. Freeze is one of my favorite comic book villains, but I’ve never really liked his match-up spread.  His options tended to either be wasting him in an uninteresting Marvel vs DC fight against Doctor Octopus, who should be fighting Viktor from League of Legends, or straight up bad match-ups like Mei from Overwatch.  Naturally getting to see him have a thematic opponent from a unique series like Infinity Train helps make it stand out all the more to me, especially when looking at the unique debate despite what the stats may suggest.

Getting into those stats right away… it's pretty one sided for Freeze, especially in AP.  Amelia herself doesn't really have any direct feats of AP, but we can use her self-destructing Stewards for her best as they're part of her arsenal.  This puts her at… 2.91 tons of TNT, lower than Freeze's worst scaling, which is 5.53 tons of TNT.  However, Victor also has numerous methods of getting into kilotons, including his Freeze Gun reaching 1.9 kilotons of TNT, or about 652 times stronger than Amelia without even using his highest scaling.  Speed is a bit more interesting though thanks to scaling.  Amelia should reasonably scale to Lake dodging lasers at 33% SoL, which is fairly solid.  Now granted, if you use the Canary feat then Freeze hard blitzes, but it's dubious, so let's use Katana reacting to lasers at 2.27 times SoL.  This makes Freeze still a solid 6 times faster, but it's not an unreasonable speed gap.  Definitely an easy win for Freeze in stats, but you'll understand why I said speed makes it interesting soon.

Arsenal wise, this is where speed could possibly help Amelia thanks to her massive number of Stewards to buy time for her to set up some possible win-cons like the Light Canon.  Or at least this would be an option if Freeze's numerous options for massive AoE didn't exist.  Since it does exist though, Freeze can and most likely would simply just instantly unleash a ton of ice, instantly destroying the Stewards.  You'd think this would also be the end for Amelia, but she does have a really helpful trick in her sound shield.  From my research, the shield doesn’t inherently use durability, so it counters most of Freeze’s arsenal, especially his ice which has shown to be vulnerable to sonic attacks.  You could maybe argue for the freeze virus or freeze gas, but the former would take too long to kill and the later is a bit weird, but from my research, sonic attacks seem to disperse gasses.  This actually means Amelia could find an opening to win through her Light Gun, and for the longest time I actually thought Amelia would win because of this.  However, enough physical force can break past the shield, meaning Freeze doesn’t need his weapons.  He’s strong enough to push through the shield and any amount of physical contact would freeze Amelia on the spot, killing her.  That said, I do think this alone makes them about equal in arsenal as they can both nullify most of each other's arsenals while still having answers to their respective counters.  

Finally, I would like to go into some minor factors that could somewhat play into the outcome of the fight.  Experience and skill no doubt go in favor of Freeze… and it’s not all that close to be honest.  Sure Amelia may have more experience with the train itself, but against Victor’s experience in combat and ability to hold his own against foes like Batman, Amelia can’t quite stack up to that.  Intelligence is definitely much closer and on average they could be argued similar, but when both are at their peak, Freeze is just leagues ahead of Amelia.  This also plays into Freeze’s biggest advantage, adaptation.  Amelia’s only saving grace in the fight is her shield, but the instant Victor notices the ice is unable to work(assuming he doesn’t open the fight by using a massive aoe attack), he’ll just go for a new strategy.  From everything I’ve described, this might sound like a stomp, but I think it’s less so a stomp and more so a clear cut but still close fight.  Amelia may have a few tricks up her sleeve, but Freeze’s superior stats alone should be more than enough to net him a Victor-y.  Yeah that wasn’t a very nice pun, but what do you expect? The winner is Mr. Freeze.  

Team Freeze (6) - Dick with a “D”, Paradox404, Random Guy No.7, StrangeFate, Trashy, WoahZaz!

Team Amelia (3) - Adam, Slaughter, Vibes

(Edited by Oleggator and Dick with a “D”)



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